Chapter 12 (I think)

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~ Chapter 12 ~ (I think)

* Nicole's POV *

Turns out, I was on an abandoned road. I ran and ran, until finally the streets had buildings and people on them. I looked around for a police station. I didn't see any. On my left, I saw Mercy Hospital. I ran up the stairs and into the building. Everyone in the waiting room stared at me with my tear stained face, broken ankle, and Big, frightened eyes. Immediately, the pain in my ankle was too much for me to handle. I heard someone come up behind me. I was too exhausted and in too much pain to pay attention who. I fell to the floor and let the darkness consume all my senses.

* Niall's POV *

Me and everyone else had been searching the whole city of Orlando. No signs of Nicole anywhere though! We were currently sitting in the living room with tears in our eyes. My phone rang and I anxiously answered it.


"Good morning." A lady said on the other line.  "Are you... Niall Horan, one of Nicole's parental guardians?"

"Yes yes, I am. Is she okay?!" Everyone else leaned in towards me. I clicked speaker so they could hear.

She laughed a little. "Yes, I guess you could say that. Yesterday evening Nicole burst into Mercy Hospital. She passed out though before we could hear what happened. She has a severely broken ankle. We already preformed a surgery to help fix it though. She was dehydrated and had a concussion from the impact of hitting our floor. Nicole is still unconscious, but she'll be alright."

We all sighed with relief. "Thank you so much!" She explained information about what exactly they'd had to do to Nicole's ankle and so. After she told us where the hospital was, we headed to our cars.

                                                           *      *      *

All 7 of us burst into Nicole's hospital room. There she was, laying on the bed sleeping. Her foot had a black boot on it, to protect her ankle when she walks. She looked so.... helpless and tiny.

"Aw, Princess. I'm so sorry." I mumbled.

Nicole's eyes fluttered open and she squinted in the bright light. "Why are you apologizing?" Her voice was so quiet..

"We should've been more careful..."

"We're just glad you're alright, baby girl." Zayn cut in, smiling down at her.

"Thank you.. So when do I get outta here?"

"Hmm... looks like you can leave this afternoon!" El chirped.

"Yay! Uhg. What happened?" Nicole mumbled, rubbing her head.

Harry laughed. "We were going to ask you the same thing."

"Well, the lights went out in the restaurant. Someone grabbed me from behind and dragged me out of there. He covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. Then I was unconious. When I woke up, I was in a concrete room. Just a door. That was all. I started kicking the door to try and get it opened. Apparently I kicked too hard and broke my foot. The guys came in a little later and threw a water bottle at me. Right before the door closed, I sprinted out and eventually found the hospital! I don't remember anything else."

'Woah, woah, woah. Hang on just a second." Louis said snapping his fingers. "How did you run if your foot was broken?"

"I don't know!" Nicole exclaimed. "I just ran. It hurt like hell though, let me tell ya!"

After a while, the doctor came into the room. "You're a lucky girl Nicole. We'll let you go home today. Now, what happened exactly?"

We all  looked panicked for a second. Nicole held us a finger and mouthed 'I got this'

"Well, I got lost in Disney World and began panicking. I'm clumsy and don't watch where I'm going so I literally ran into a wall. My ankle twisted and I suppose broke, according to you all. Again, I panicked. I ran from the park to find a hospital. And gosh, my ankle was killing me the whole way. I ended up here at Mercy and well, you know the rest!" She smiled, satisfied with her little lie.

"Wow, tough day huh?" He explained all the things we needed to know, what hospitals to go to, etc. The doctor gave Nicole crutches and taught her how to use them. Soon, we were on the plane back to St. Louis. We still stayed in Missouri so Nicole was comfortable. We were really lucky that none of the fans had found us yet.



back to.... * Nicole's POV *

It was back to just the six of us, me being the only girl here. :( we climbed out of the car walking towards the resturant. It was called like... Red Lobster or something like  that. Seafood! Yummm. I hopped through the parking lot on my crutches. They were soo annoying! Niall bent down and I jumped on his back. Harry had to carry my crutches. haha. The lady looked at us funny at first, but quickly smiled at us.

"How many?"

"Six" Liam replied.

Okay, right this way." she led us to a table right in the middle of the resturant. GREAT. Niall set me down by a chair and I hopped onto it. As we were opening our menus, a girl sreamed.

"OH EM GEEEE. ONE DIRECTION!" She jumped from her chair and sprinted over to us. "Can I get autographs and pictures?"

Zayn faked a smile. "Sure love."

They signed a random paper she had with her and them stood up to take a picture with the girl.

"I can take it if you want." I offered.

"No no! I want you in it. Please!"

"Ermm.... Okay." I took Harry's outstretched hand and stood up.

The girl gasped. "Oh gosh! What happened?"

"Oh. I broke my ankle."

"Aw, I'm sorry!"

A waiter took our picture and the girl ran back to her parents. A few other girls asked for pictures with us too. One kept taking pictures of my ankle.... weird. Oh well. We got to eat dinner without anyone else bothering us, which was good. After we ate, the boys drove us home, made popcorn and we had a movie night! Everything seemed back to normal. No more nightmares either! I don't know what those were about...Tomorrow, we start recording music for our albums. I'm really nervous.

A million things were going through my head as I lyed on the couch. Harry and Louis were lying on the floor. Liam was in the chair in the corner and Zayn was curled up in a blanket in the middle of the floor. Niall and i were on the couch. I yawned.

"You're still up, Princess?" Niall whispered.

"Yeah. I can't sleep... I'm too nervous! What if your management hates me tomorrow?"

He laughed quietly. "Don't worry, they'll love you. Now go to sleep!"

"Okay. Goodnight Niall."

"Nitey-night Nikky."

A/N ayeeeee people! Sorry I updated really slowly. The last couple days haven't gone too well. Life goes on though! I am so bored right now. Someone should comment on this or send me a message. That would be awesome!  Hmm... I'm not a good writer. I should probably stop writing cause I am wasting all of your time... Ha! Oh well. I shall continue to waste your time! Bye niggas! <3


PS. Has anyone heard of Stupid Girls by P!nk? Ahhhh I love that song! Mmkay, Bye Now!

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