Chapter 8

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~ Chapter 8 ~

* Nicole's POV *

"Come on everybody! We're gonna miss our flight!!" I screamed. It's been two days since Louis announced that he wanted to go to Disney World. I'm soo excited!

"Gosh girl. We're coming!" Louis snapped as he walked to the bottom of the stairs. The other boys soon followed, dragging their suitcases behind them. Soon, we arrived at the airport and then onto the plane. Liam booked us tickets in first class. Hmm, I've never been on a plane. Or an airport. I didn't like the airport. There was so many people, all shoving me and running over my feet with their suitcases. The boys' fans kept coming up to them and asking for pictures, autographs, etc. It got annoying because we were late already and they were just delaying us more.

Harry, who was sitting on my right, poked me. "Kitten, do you want anything to drink?"

I realized that the flight attendant was standing there with her drink cart. "No thank you."

She nodded and moved on. I was sitting next to Harry and Niall. Zayn was behind me, Liam and Louis next to him. I leaned my head onto the window and fell asleep.

* * *

A mysterious shadow stood at the end of the deserted alleyway. It looked like a man, but I couldn't see what he looked like. It was too dark.

I squinted "Hello?"

His voice was low when he spoke. "I've been looking for you, Nicole."

"What? Who are you?"

"You'll know soon."


I'm coming for you Nicole."

"Wha-" before I could finish, Everything went black.

* * *

"Nicole? Are you alright?"

I squinted in the bright light and looked up at Niall.

"Huh? Uh...yeah. Why?"

Niall laughed. "You were shaking and mumbling in your sleep. Did you have a nightmare?"

I shivered. "Yeah..."

"What was it about?" Niall looked concerned.

"I'm not sure. It was in an alley. A man was at the end. He told me..." I trailed off.

"What did he tell you, princess?"

"That he was coming for me.."

"It's okay. It was just a dream." Zayn said from behind us.

I nodded. "Right. Just a dream."

The pilot's voice came over the speakers and told us we were descending.

* * *


"DISNEY WORLD!!!!" We all screamed as our limo pulled through the front gates. Yeah, that's right muthafukas. A LIMO!

Once we were dropped off in the front by the driver, Liam paid at the front desk area and we walked into the park.

The first thing I heard was "ONE DIRECTION!!" God they're everywhere. I stepped back out of the way while the fans approached them. I slid on my sunglasses and leaned against a fence watching.

"Omggggg I love you guys!"

"Can I get your autographs?"


The boys took pictures and signed autographs.

"Where's Nicole?" One of them asked.

Most of the girls nodded, wanting to know where I was too.

"Right there." Louis answered pointing at me.

A girl screamed, "You are so lucky!"

"Can I get a picture with all 6 of you?" A few asked. I was surprised that anyone would want a picture with me, but I took some with the fans anyways.

Once they all finally left, the boys and I all headed towards the Space themed part.

We found an indoor, pitch black room with a roller coaster. It was called Space mountain or something like that. We walked right in with our flash passes. It was really dark inside. Niall was scared he'd lose me in there, so he held onto my wrist. I heard a cold voice directly behind me.

"Ah, Nicole. I finally found you."

A/N Oooooh! Cliff hanger! Who do you think the guy is?

Now I'm in the car heading home. My cheer team did terrible. Oh well, at least the season is over. What do ya'll think of my fanfic? Good? Bad? Alright? I'm gonna start writing Chapter 9. Bye for now!


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