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Song of the Chapter: Stockholm Syndrome - One Direction


The day was unusually long and stressful. Sophia put us through countless tests and obstacles so we could get used to our powers. We were in some atrocious world that she had managed to just poof us into. At first we had to kill a bunch of horrible monsters and then we had to deal with a huge ass giant that literally killed Steph. Thankfully, Channing, our lovely paramount was able to revive her. Now Steph was running around as if nothing had ever happened. Channing, although, she had passed out. When she did, we all surrounded her worried about her wellbeing. That was until Sophia pushed out of the way and said that she was okay.

Our godmother made Channing vanish with the twirl of her finger. She had sent her back in her bed at the house. Even though, we were all concerned about if she would still be okay, Sophia made us continue training. You would think that after seeing one of us die and the other pass out that she'd let us off for the day, but the angel worked us to the bone. We were fighting monsters, giants, humans, animals and everything in between in her little made up world. It was nonstop fighting and we had to watch each other's back closely. Without Channing here, Sophia claimed that if we died there would be no paramount to save us. Therefore, I made sure I was super careful and made sure I killed anything that came towards me.

Once we were done training, Constance did us all a huge favor and made her homemade pizza for dinner. It was the best thing that she could cook up in the kitchen. She usually asked me to help but I was so tired that I lied down on the living room floor for hours. I guess she got the notion that I wasn't up to help with anything. When the food was ready although, I wasted no time to rush to the dinner table. The girls chattered up about everything that had happened throughout the day. Even with everyone talking, it was all too quiet. I missed Channing's presence. Within the first five minutes of dinner, we would've had at least ten different arguments. I had to admit, things were actually pretty boring around here without her.

It's weird because before I even knew she existed, the girls could entertain me with no problem but now with Channing present, she was like my entertainment all day around. She's the one who made me smile, laugh, happy and angry the most. It was like as the days went by, the more my day revolved around her. Everything was all about Channing. I wouldn't say that I was obsessed, but I was just charmed by her. I would never say that to her face, although. She'd get way too cocky and arrogant. She'd never let me live it down. It was already bad enough that she knew I had a f-cking crush on her. I believed she felt the same way but I could never be so sure with her. She joked around way too much for me to even take her serious.

"You've been hell of quiet," Sterling said to me at the dinner table. I had stopped eating a long time ago and was just staring out into space. Don't get me wrong. Constance's homemade pizza was the best thing that has ever met my taste buds but my appetite wasn't that well. I kept thinking about Channing and it made me feel sick. Why did I care so much about her? "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just kind of worried about Channing, you know? It's been hours and I don't think she's woke up yet. Have you checked on her?" I knew if anyone checked on her other than me, it was definitely either Steph or Sterling. They were like her best friends here. We were all close, but that trio got into nothing but pure trouble every day. I've never see any group of people so consistent in causing mischief.

"No, I haven't. If you can't eat because you're worried about her, why don't you just check on her? I'm sure she'll be ecstatic to see you." Sterling gave me some subliminal wink before nudging my shoulders with her elbow. She went back to eating her pizza and I looked down at my plate. I ate most of it. That was good enough.

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