☁ 6

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Songs for this chapter:

Whistle While You Twerk – Ying Yang Twins

Let Me Hit That – August Alsina


Everyone piled out of the van and began walking towards the entrance of the huge ass house. The girls were giggling and laughing all over each other. Most of them were flat out drunk, while the others were just getting off on the fact that we were sneaking back into the academy at four in the morning. My face was straight although. This was like Kindergartener sh-t to me. I've been successfully sneaking in and out of my house before I was even in middle school.

When we got to the door, Blair shushed all of the giggling, intoxicated girls. Adriana tended to laugh even harder at getting shushed. Primrose quickly grabbed her and covered the goofy girl's mouth with her hand. Blair took a deep breath and she seemed annoyed with all of the girls tonight. I don't think me trying to kiss her made her night any better. It still puzzled me how she didn't want to put her lips on mine. Sure, my breath did smell like alcohol but we had just serenaded each other to a DMX song. A kiss was meant to be in my book, but I guess it wasn't written in Blair's.

We walked into the building as quietly as possible. The whole house was dark, but a hint of moonlight and the lights outside shone into the house. I followed behind the girls but all of a sudden, they all stopped dead in their tracks. I walked straight into Shea who was looking forward like the rest of the girls. Looking the direction everyone else was looking, I was highly confused. Nothing made sense until I heard a crunch. That's when the figure became evident. Sitting in front of the door like a guard was Constance, with an apple in her hand. She chewed on the apple hard as hell, that's how I knew she was mad.

"Well, good morning, ladies," she told us with squinted, pissed off eyes. She took another bite out of her apple and I groaned in a bit of annoyance.

"Who the f-ck eats an apple at four in the morning," I voiced out loud in utter frustration. I didn't give a f-ck about getting caught and most importantly I wasn't scared of Constance. She was soft as baby sh-t. For my loud, unexpected question the catty Presley elbowed me.

"You know, girls, I don't care about you guys going out and having fun but at least ask," she said as she stood up from the chair. She held her apple tightly as she looked at all of us with disappointment but also disbelief. "You guys can't just sneak out! This is an honest academy! I've never had any of my girls pull anything like this! What if something would've happened!? Your parents and your friends are the ones who put you here but it's my job to keep you as safe as possible! What if you guys got into a wreck tonight and died!? It would be all my fault."

I leaned against the wall as I played with a few strands of my hair. Her little speech didn't make me feel bad. It actually made me exhausted. How could someone be so dramatic? "Listen, sister, I'm a bit drunk and I'm tired, plus I got denied a kiss from a hot blonde. Can we just talk about this tomorrow evening? I expect to wake up around six in the evening, so is seven o' clock good for you?"

Constance scoffed at me as the rest of the girls looked Blair's way. They assumed that the hot blonde that denied me was Blair and they were a hundred percent right. Blair blushed and looked down at her feet rather than looking towards her friends. "Channing, since you're the obvious mastermind, the new girl and the smart mouthed one, you will be the one who is punished." I smacked my lips. I may have persuaded the girls to go out tonight but it's not like I put a gun to their heads and made them do it! They wanted to go out and have fun so I gave them what they wanted! "You get one hour of sleep then I want you up to do cleaning duty around the house as I watch you."

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