Chapter 22 : Did I cause her death!?

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Chapter 22


Riker POV

The day was finally over, and Tiffany hadn't bothered me. I quickly left the school before anything else could happen. I walked home, thinking about having to pack up and leave tomorrow night.

I unlocked the front door, and started walking up the stairs. I heard Lexi crying though, and I started running.

"Lexi! What's wrong!?" I asked, running in through her door.


"What are you talking about!?"

Lexi handed me her phone, and walked out of the room. On the screen, it said I had sent her a text. I clicked on it, and there was a video... OF ME KISSING TIFFANY!

One of her friends must have taken the video on my phone, and sent it to Lexi. I'm so stupid! I could've just told a teacher or something!

I ran down the stairs.

"Lexi! Wait!"

Lexi slammed the front door. I followed her. She started running away from me down the road. But after about 50 feet, she fell to her knees, and started coughing like crazy.

"Lexi, are you ok!?"

"I just... I can't... Breathe!"

"Stop crying! Take deep breaths!"

"Don't touch me."

Lexi stood up, and regained her breath.

"Lexi, let me explain."

"You can't explain why you kissed her!"


"Save it, Riker! I never want to see you again! And I'm not saying that because I'm mad! I mean it!"

"Lexi, wait!"

Lexi started walking back home.


Lexi spun around, and I almost crashed into her.

"Stop talking to me. I'm glad you're going home tomorrow. I wish it were tonight instead! But either way, soon enough you'll be out of my life forever!"

Lexi turned around and kept walking.

"Lexi, please let me explain!"

She ran up to her room, and locked herself in there. I sat outside her door, waiting for her to come out. But she never did.

After a few hours, I was tired of waiting. I knew she was still in there because I could hear her moving around and doing stuff. But what was she doing?

I went back to my room, figuring that I just need to give her some space and time. I'll try talking to her later.


Riker POV

I never ended up getting to talk to Lexi. She's being stubborn. I went to bed, thinking about tomorrow...

The next day...

Riker POV

When I woke up, my first thought was Lexi. I went to her room, but her door was locked.

"Lexi?" I called, knocking on the door.


"Lexi, please. I have less than a day left. I want to spend it with you. Please let me in."

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