Chapter 16 : I believe you

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Chapter 16

Riker POV

Tonight can't end like this! What if she tries something dangerous because of what happened? Then it'd be all my fault!

I wiped my tears off, and focused on calming down. I knew I'd never get anywhere if I was crying. I just needed to hold it together, and get Lexi to believe me.

I went back to Lexi's room, and she looked really mad to see me.

"Lexi, look. I know you're mad. And I know you don't seem to believe me. But I'm telling you the truth!"

"How could you kiss her, Riker?"

"I didn't! She kissed me!"

Lexi sighed and closed her eyes. I went over to her, sat down on her bed, and took her hands in mine.

"Lexi, I swear, it was all Tiffany. Not me. And I find her really annoying, and I don't like her. But I love you. Please believe me."

"Why did it have to be her, though?"

"What do you mean?"

"Riker, do you remember when I told you about the girl who ruined my life?"


"That was Tiffany. You kissed my worst enemy."

My mouth fell open. That's why she's so upset! It all makes sense now!

"Lexi... I'm so sorry this happened. I had no idea. Look, I'll stay away from her. I won't even talk to her. I thought she was just some random girl. I didn't know."

Lexi sighed and looked away from me. I still had her hands in mine.

"Lexi? Do you believe me?"

Lexi turned back to me.

"Why are you crying, Riker?"

"Because I can't lose you!"

Lexi wiped my cheeks with her fingers.

"Do you believe me?"

"Can I have some time to think about it?"

I sighed.

"Fine... Are you going to be ok tonight?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to be the reason you try something..."

"Oh... No. I'm ok... I'm just... Tired."

"Ok... If you need anything... Wake me up."


I felt more tears forming in my eyes. I looked away from Lexi. But all of a sudden I felt her arms around me. I hugged her back, and started crying even more. I was really embarrassed, and I couldn't control myself anymore. It was actually a little hard to breathe.

"Riker, please don't cry," Lexi whispered.

I pulled away from her and stared straight into her eyes.

"I love you Lexi. I just can't stand being apart from you."

I got up and went to my own room. I shut off the light and laid in bed. But I couldn't fall asleep. I was so upset, and all I could think about was Lexi.

A little while later, I saw Lexi's light go off. I turned so I wasn't facing the doorway anymore. My eyes stung pretty badly now from rubbing them so much.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and who else would it be, but Lexi. But I didn't turn toward her.

"Riker. Why are you still crying?"

I didn't respond.

"Riker, come on. I can hear you all the way in my room."

I felt Lexi sit down next to me. She had my hand now.

"Riker, I believe you. Please stop crying. I can't stand seeing you so hurt!"

Lexi pulled at my shoulder so I was lying on my back now. I wasn't sure she actually believed me. She might just be saying that.

"Riker, please."

Lexi moved so she was laying down next to me in the dark.

Lexi POV

I scooched closer to Riker. I wrapped my arm around his chest, and snuggled close to him. I needed him to realize I believed him.

I put my hand up on his cheek, and turned his head so he was facing me. I kissed him, and he kissed back. All of a sudden, he had his arms around me tight, and he was crying even more, which made me kind of confused.

"Riker, please talk to me. Say something."

He was so shaky! I was getting a little worried because it sounded like he could barely breathe.


"I love you, Lexi."

"I love you too."

"Do you really believe me?


Riker hugged me even tighter, if that was possible.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Can you just tell me why you didn't believe me at first?"

"Because I hate Tiffany so much, and it just made me furious that she's trying to take away the only thing I have now."

"What's that?"

"Riker, it's you!"


"But I realized that you wouldn't hurt me like that."

"I wouldn't, Lexi. Never."

Yeah, well guess what? That promise was about to be broken.

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