Chapter 15 : Fights

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Chapter 15

The next day...

Lexi POV

Well today was the day. I go back to school...

I had a ton of stuff to catch up on. My parents had emailed my teachers though, and they knew what had happened, so they were kind of nice about everything.

Riker was still being really weird today. Especially in history, which is where we were right now.

I kept glancing at Riker next to me. He seemed all jittery, and he didn't look very focused. I wrote him a note on a piece of paper and handed it to him. I'd asked if he was ok. He passed it back, and he said he was fine. But it didn't seem like it.

The bell rang, and finally class was over. I was determined to get Riker to talk during lunch.

My long time enemy, Tiffany, walked over to us.

"Are you going to come sit with us again today, Riker?" Tiffany asked.


"Uh... No. I'm going to sit with Lexi."

"Why would you want to sit with her?"

"Because she's my friend."

"Well so am I. And I think we're a lot closer than you guys are."

"Tiffany, I'm sitting with Lexi."

"But you kissed me yesterday!"

"What!? I did not!"

"Yeah you did! After you walked me to my doorstep!"

I'd heard enough. I got up and walked out of the classroom. I went and hid in the girls bathroom and cried. I couldn't let Riker find me.

A few minutes later...

Lexi POV

"Lexi? I can see your backpack. Please come out."

It was Riker. Dang it...

"Lexi, please! Let me explain! It's not what you think! Tiffany's just some girl! She's not my girlfriend! You are! Please come out, Lexi."


"Fine. I'll go sit with Tiffany then."

I wanted to explode! How can he be so insensitive! I marched out of the bathroom, ready to kill him, but I didn't get very far. Riker was waiting just outside the bathroom, and he caught me in his arms.

"You tricked me!"

"Yes, I did. Now come on. Let me tell you what happened."



"No. I don't want to hear it."

Riker held onto my wrist as we walked to my mom's classroom. We sat down at our usual table. But I refused to look at him.

"Lexi, please let me explain."

"No. And if you start talking, I'm leaving."

Riker POV

I sighed. I didn't do anything wrong though! Tiffany was just a random girl! Why was Lexi so upset!? She should believe me when I tell her everything! But for some reason, I feel like she won't.

Lexi and I sat there in silence eating our lunches. She wouldn't even look at me. That's basically how the rest of the day went.


Riker POV

After dinner, I'd tried to talk to Lexi again, but she locked herself in the bathroom and took a shower. It was pretty late already, and Lexi's mom had locked us up here for the night. We were all still concerned about Lexi trying something again.

Finally I heard Lexi leave the bathroom and go to her bedroom. I got up, and stood in her doorway.

"What?" Lexi asked, still not looking at me.

"Lexi, we need to talk."

"I don't want to."

"Well then listen. I'll do the talking."


"Shhh! You'll wake up your parents!"

"Well then get out of my room! I don't ever want to see you again, Riker!"

I sighed. I knew she didn't really mean it, and she was just angry, but it still hurt.

I walked over to Lexi, and wrapped me arms around her from behind.

"Lexi, please. Let me talk."


"Lexi, please."

Lexi started crying, and I took this opportunity to guide her over to her bed. She got in, and I pulled the blankets over her. I sat on the end of her bed, holding her hand.

"Lexi, you're my girlfriend, and I only love you, ok?"

"No. You love that evil witch."


"Lexi, no I don't. I love you, and only you."

"Tell me what happened, Riker. Why were you sitting with her at lunch!?"

"She came up to me on Monday and asked if I wanted to sit with her. I didn't see anything wrong with that, so I said yes. She seemed nice."

"She's the opposite of nice."

"Lexi, just because you thought we liked each other doesn't mean she's not nice."

"That's not why, Riker."

"Well nothing happened!"

"She said you kissed her after you walked her home from school!"

"No! That's not what happened!"

"Then what did happen, Riker?"

"She guilted me into walking her home when she said her brother couldn't, and-"



"She doesn't have a brother, Riker!"

"How was I supposed to know!?"

"Well maybe you're just making this up! Maybe you wanted to walk her home, and you're just trying to make it seem like you didn't want to!"

"No! Lexi, I swear! I didn't want to! But she made me feel guilty!"

"What about the kiss? She said you kissed her!"

"No! Well... kind of..."

"So you did kiss her!"

"No! She kissed me!"

"Did you kiss back!?"

"No! I thought it was disgusting!"

"You're such a liar, Riker!"

"I'm not a liar!"

"Yes, you are! I can't believe you'd do this to me! After everything..."

"Lexi, I don't like her!"

"Just leave, Riker. And don't talk to me anymore."

I turned around and went back to my room. I fell onto my bed in tears. How could this happen!? Why wouldn't she believe me!? And I was surprised how jealous she was...

But what do I do!? I need to get Lexi back! But more importantly, I need to make sure she doesn't try anything because of me.

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