Chapter 18 : Embarrassment

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Chapter 18

Monday morning...

Riker POV

All weekend, I'd stayed locked in my room, and practically cried my eyes out. My eyes hurt from rubbing them so much, and I couldn't get my contacts in. I grabbed my glasses and put those on instead.

I grabbed my clothes and got dressed in the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, and felt like a dork. One of my biggest insecurities was my glasses. And now that Lexi's mad at me, she's probably going to make fun of me.

It was taking everything in me to hold it together. I was so mad at Lexi, but I loved her, and I just felt so many emotions at the same time! I felt like I was going to explode!

Lexi didn't say anything when she saw me this morning. She walked about 30 feet ahead of me when we walked to school. We went to our first class. She didn't say anything to me, and she wouldn't look at me either.


Riker POV

I kept glancing over at Tiffany during history. I thought I wasn't afraid of her. But maybe I was a little bit.

When history was over, Tiffany walked out of the room with her whole squad of people. I went to my locker, and I watched as Lexi went to hers. I took all my books out, holding them in one arm, trying to find the things I did and didn't need. Some guy, who I recognized as a football player that had sat at Tiffany's table, came walking over to me. He smacked my books out of my hand, sending them all to the floor.

"Dork," he muttered, walking away.

I felt my cheeks heating up as I belt down to gather my stuff again. Tiffany and all her friends came walking over to me.

"So what's with the glasses?" Tiffany asked, looking down at me.

"I-I don't know."

"Nobody wears glasses."

I continued picking all my stuff up.

"Why is all your stuff on the ground? Are you not strong enough to carry all your books?"


Tiffany and all her friends were laughing at me now. I looked down at the floor.

"Awww, is baby Riker crying?"


"Then what's with the tears on your cheeks?"

I angrily wiped my cheeks on my hoodie sleeve.

"I can't believe I ever saw any potential in you. You're such a pathetic dork!" Tiffany shouted.

Lexi came walking over to us.

"You're right, Tiffany. He is a dork," said Lexi.

WHAT!? How is she on her side now?

Lexi walked closer until she was standing behind me.

"But he's my dork," Lexi said, putting her hands on my shoulders.

Tiffany glared at us, and walked away with her group of friends. I just stared at the floor, motionless, still shocked at what just happened.

"Here," Lexi said, handing me a stack of my books.


I stood up and put the stuff I didn't need in my locker. After I closed it, I turned around, and Lexi was there, staring at me. She held out her hand, and I took it. We walked together to her mom's classroom.

We sat down at our usual table in the back of her mom's classroom. Everything between us felt extremely awkward because we hadn't really spoken since the fight.



"Why'd you do all that?"


"Why'd you like... defend me against Tiffany?"

"Oh... I don't know..."

"But I thought you hated me! You said you never wanted to see or talk to me again!"

Lexi sighed and looked away from me.

"I know... I'm sorry I said all that. But I just couldn't watch Tiffany do that to you! I know how it feels, Riker! And I didn't want you to go through it."

"Well... Thanks... That was... really embarrassing..."

"I know. Tiffany's mean. That's what she does."

Lexi reached across the table and did something to my cheek.

"What are you doing?"

"Wiping away your tears. I hate seeing you cry."

I smiled a little.

"Thanks... Um... So what's exactly the status between us?"

"Oh... Um... I don't know... What do you... want?"

"How do you feel about me?"

Lexi got up and sat next to me. She put her hand under my chin and turned my head so I was facing her. Lexi kissed me, and I kissed her back, smiling. I never wanted that moment to end, but Lexi pulled away, still staring into my eyes.

"I love you, Riker. More than anything. And I'm so sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean it. I was just having a bad day."

I hugged Lexi.

"It's ok. I understand."

"So are we still... together?"

"Oh... Um... Yeah... I mean... If you want..."

"Yeah. I'd like that."

"Cool," I said, smiling.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Lexi."

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