The Day of Alex

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Alex has deep green eyes, umber hair, and is super tall (6'7) and lean.

The Day of Alex starts with him waking up and getting ready for school.

Then Alex gets on the bus and arrives at school. Alex always skips his first class to go get high with his buds I the boys locker room.

His second class he goes and just talks in the back with his friend Max. They mostly converse about the girl in front of them Tessa, the schools bimbo.

Alex's third class is gym and since Alex hates any kind of exercise he skipped it, but this time to go screw Tessa's sister, Kelly in the bathroom.

Alex goes to his fourth, fifth, and sixth class because they're easy classes; Art, Algebra, and History.

Alex's seventh class he packs up and walks home because he doesn't care for his grades much.

Once he gets home he eats a snack then heads to the casino and gambles away his money.

Alex is a lazy no good player.

Author's note: just a filler chapter

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