The connection (A danisnotonfire story)

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Anna's P.O.V-

*scroll click scroll scroll click* I glance at my phone. It illuminates my face and warns me that its 3 a.m. and I have finals tomorrow. So now its about o' dark thirty, and its not like I was pulling an all nighter for better grades or anything. 

I have my usual imprints on my legs from my over heated laptop, after scrolling and rolling around on Tumblr for a good 5 or 6 hours. It's a disease. I used to spend less than that, but then I was bit by a crazy fandom. Blast back to the beginning, I started to follow a certain blog for their funny posts. Then, they started posting things and pictures about a guy named "Danisnotonfire". I had never seen him before, so I just assumed he was from some T.V show, just like many other fandoms. I had to admit though, he was really attractive.

I scrolled past the posts usually, but one day, my curiosity peaked and I looked up "danisnotonfire" on Youtube. And then I was done for. Lost in the chocolatly like pools of his deep, brown eyes.

Fast forward to now; I occupy most of my time looking at and reblogging pictures of Dan, and repeatedly watching his videos. It just sucked that he lived so far away. I was only a few years younger than him, and now I felt that this stupid internet crush was more to me.

I finally gave up, finished off the bag of Doritos, and closed down my computer. And then for the first time in a while, I fell asleep quickly. It felt like I was eager to do something after I had crossed over into a deep sleep. I couldnt understand it, but little did I know, It would all be very clear to me when I woke up the next morning.

WHAT UP MAH CAKE POPS? (sorry if you hate your nickname). So, this is my first fan fic. Little smut, lots of romantic shit (Notebook kinda crap). I am a huge sucker for the cute fan fictions. Please note, this is NOT a Dan on Phil "phanfic", because, I do enjoy those, but they have been over done, and I dont think I could do anything special. So, this is just me drifting off into a dream world where me and Dan get together for reasons you will soon read about.....

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"My pen is the barrel of the gun, remind me which side you should be on."



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