Story 9: Helaroi *Remy

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Remy always wanted to be a sports star. However, he couldn’t get in the team, let alone the school’s home team. He would practice nonstop at home, but he just couldn’t seem to progress as he wanted. One day as he came out after total rejection, he saw some people practicing. Looking with jealousy, he didn’t realize there was a baseball heading his way.One of the boys had to shout to get him back to reality.

“Hey Remy, watch out!”

Without a second to lose, Remy sensed the ball coming and couldn’t move. One of the boys was heading his direction and caught it with lightning speed. Remy couldn’t believe what he saw. No way! This kid is good! I never saw anyone catching it this quick!

The boy looked at him. “Are you alright?”

Remy returned his stare.  “Uh, Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little shaken up is all.” God that was pathetic…

“You’re Remy, right?” Remy looked at him suspiciously, “Just how do you know me?”

“I’m one of the new transfers here from New York. Also…uh…people seem to spread bad rumors about you…the Non Athletic Dork.”

“Well that figures…”Remy replied rather glumly. The boy quickly tried to cheer him up.

“Ah, don’t worry about it! You’ll get better. Practice makes perfect!”

 “Unless they can’t improve…” Remy couldn’t shake off his gloom from the fact that he was horrible in sports. The boy felt real bad for him. Out of the blue, he raised his hand.

 “High five?”

Remy looked at him strangely again. “And why would I do that?”

“It’s just an encouragement, and my way of saying good luck.” The boy raised his hand again and urged him to give him a high five. At first, Remy was real reluctant to do anything, but eventually he gave in. His hand stung for a few seconds and felt something stirring in him. The boy wondered if he improved.

“Think fast!”

 Remy saw the same ball headed his way once again, but only this time, instead of reacting with fear, he reacted with courage. He swiftly caught the ball without a second glance. Remy looked surprised as he saw the ball in his hand. “What did I just do?”

“You caught the ball. You’re getting good quick.” Remy couldn’t believe he actually caught the ball and he felt if someone practices with him, he can improve.

“So, hey kid, want to go for a few rounds?”

“Nah, I have to be going somewhere, but I’ll see you later Remy Thompson.” The boy was about to leave until he stopped to say something else.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. The name’s Helaroi. It’s nice to meet you. You might get rejected again for the tryouts.” He left without another word.

Remy thought about that boy that night. No person helped him improve before. Or, let alone gave him encouragement to keep trying. Whenever he would get turned down, the coaches taunted him and gave him a bunch of discouragement to not try out again.

Strange kid, but he helped me improve that quick….and I’ve never heard of a Helaroi before…Is he really a transfer? And how does he know me? Nobody talks to the transfers for a few days until the popular kids get them. And that last comment…go figure.

The next day, Remy saw a poster saying that the same tryouts will be open for a next few days. He decided to give it another go. Surprisingly enough, Helaroi was there, like he was waiting. The coach started out and started to scream.

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