Story 7: Rika * Zen

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Zen really liked his place in the world, he just didn't know how to show it. And because of that, he became a real klutz.  Even though he tries hard not to, wrong words just come out of his mouth. He even hurts other people without even knowing himself, so be became a very rude person. People understood that and tried to get help for him, but since the rudeness was so unbearable the therapists quit, every single one of them. There seemed no hopeful way out, so he became cold. Cold as ice. He thought that it felt good to stay away so other people wouldn't get hurt. But later on when he started to realize it wasn't his place, It was too late. Everyone started to hate him. He became enemy number 1. Whenever crime started, he happens to be there at the wrong time. He's been to jail for a certain amount of time and his luck got even worse.

After he was released from prison once again, he saw a teenage girl looking at the jail entrance. It looked like she was waiting for someone. He thought it was unusual, so he went and spoke to her.

"Hey, whatcha doing there?"

"Looking for him."

"Who are you looking for, exactly?"

 "Zen Teugasa"

"That would be me. What do you want?"

"I need to tell you something in secret."

"What is it?" Zen bent down and the girl went closer to his ear. After she got close enough, she shouted from the top of her lungs, "IN A WEEK FROM NOW AT 5 PM, YOU WILL GET HIT BY THE TRAIN ON THE DIRT ROAD!!! "

His ears rung from the shouting. "Okay...Was that even NECESSARY?!"

"Yes." The girl quickly ran off.

"Wait!" What the hell was that all about? After his release, His landlord evicted him from his home for too much jail time. He  looked for an apartment to stay in. He found a sign that says 'ROOM FOR RENT'. Zen knocked and that girl from earlier answered the door. Oh, hell no! Anyone but her!! he thought.

"Zen Teugasa. This is the only room available. I suggest you come here. You're lucky to find a room in your state, 'Enemy number 1.' I wonder if I help out, I'd be considered 'enemy number 2...'

"I am so out of here."

"Oh, no you don't!" The girl dragged him in the house and locked the door.

"Hey, you stupid girl! Let me go! I'd rather be dead than over here!"

 "Seriously, you'd get shot down down when going out there."

Really?! She's not listening to a word I'm saying!!

"..Besides, wouldn't you rather be sleeping here in a warm bed than the cold streets?"

"I'll take that chance" 

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier, but I have a mental disability to shout in people's ears instead of whispering. I didn't mean to get you angry. Can you please stay?"

Zen thought about it thoroughly and finally asked himself, What left do I got to lose? He went inside and flatly sat on the couch. "For starters, who are you?"

"Rika. My name is Rika."

"So...uh, Rika, how long have you been living here?"

"For about five years...It's been getting lonesome around here."

Five years? But I was pretty sure it's been empty for that, I think there's something I wanted to ask her... "Hey, when you shouted in my ear, What did you mean when I was gonna get hit by some train?" 

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