Sequel (I Am Wanderer) Prologue

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Niall fell for Harry. Harry fell for Niall. It was supposed to be love at first sight, but things got in the way. Certain people, got in the way. Now they are torn apart, Harry losing his mind, Niall not knowing what his is. Niall's life was taken over, and taken from him, but what happens when he has to press the restart button? Who will guide him? And how will he know friend from foe? He seems to be happy in his life, but something is missing. Or maybe someone, but he can't quite remember who. Who is this mysterious person that he sees in his dreams? That keeps him awake at night? He doesn't know where he is, or how he got there, but all he knows is that it isn't where he's meant to be. Searching for someone is hard. But what is harder is searching for someone you don't know, or can't remember. All he can see is a face, striking green eyes; wild, brown, curly hair; slow, mesmerizing accent, a work of art, but no name.

Niall can't decide whether this mysterious boy is real, or just some made up fantasy. He can't bring it up with his boyfriend, or he would suffer the consequences. He has to get away, search for this boy. He needs to put a name to the beautiful face that haunts his imagination. Surely he's got to be out there somewhere, he has to be real. Afraid of going crazy, Niall sets out on a quest to find this angel, but he is not alone. Somewhere else in the world, this mysterious person is searching too. But little does Niall know, that this mysterious person is searching for him. Will the two reunite? Or will certain people interrupt this love story forever?

My name is Niall Horan, and I Am Wanderer.


So... This is the prologue for the sequel called I Am Wanderer. It is up on my profile and already has two chapters up!! I just thought I'd put this up so you can decide if you want to read this or not!!


E. :)x

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