ch-25--Little did I know

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**Emily's POV**

"Why don't you make yourselves at home." I repeated.

The guys sat on my coach and said,"Thank you, ma'm," & Carlos being himself run to the refrigerator and attacked my food.

Kendall was just still standing there at the doorway looking at me like I had hurt him directly & not his friends.

Kendall reached to grab my hand,as if he was gonna tell me to cool down,but I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door.

**Kendall's POV**

As I reached to tell her, why I was here, she ran upstairs and I heard the door slam.

I noticed that the guys were to busy "making themselves at home," so I made my way upstairs to calm her down.

I knocked on her door,but no answer,so I just went in.

"What are you doing?" She asked,while looking annoyed.

"Making myself feel at home," I said sarcastically.

"Very funny."She said.

I swear, she almost smiled.

"Look,Kendall,"She said,while going to sit down on her bed,"Sorry, blowing my temper,I was just so irritated about what is going on."

"I know it's hard,but we're here to help you." I said, as I went to sit by her.

"How can you help me with all of this?" She said.

I looked in her eyes and said,"We'll find a way,and if not we and I will for sure.Okay? Goodnight." I said.

"Night." She said.

As I about to got up to go, I gave her a kiss,on the forehead and winked.

I told the guys, we're already to leave now.

"When did you get upstairs?" Logan asked and we all laughed.

As,we walked out of the door, I started to think, and looked up at her window,that I couldn't leave her alone,unproteced.

All over again(A Kendall Schmidt fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now