ch 7-- The end of our Friendship

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The next school day , I saw something, that I thought I would  never see, Nicole was hanging out with the popular kids. Yes, the same people that she won against and she was now hanging out with them! I was going no where near those kids, so I just went to the library to go study some more for the exam.

When I got to class I saw Nicole was sitting with all the popular kids, so I decided to wait til lunch to talk to her, but still no luck. I did not get to talk to her during school time at all, but I caught up to her when I saw her walking home.

"Hey, I have not talked to you all day.How's life?" I asked her.

She looked at me and then looked around, as if to see if any of the kids from our school were there,not just the popular ones.

"Life's excellent!" She said really happily."It feels so great to know that people know of my exsistence, but some things are going to have to change between us." She added.

"What things?" I asked.

"Well it is just one item. You see, I am no longer someone who people do not know ,but you still are," She said.

I was so confused, but kind of had an idea of where she was going with it.

"So, you are saying that we can not hang out at school anymore." I said.

"Well, yes, but not only school, any and everywhere else. I'm one of the popular kids now and you are and always will be the shy girl that no one cares about. Our friendship is over." She said.

"What?" I asked kind of mad and kind of upset.

I did not give her a chance to answer, because I could have guessed after becoming queen, she would have changed. 

"Okay fine,but remember that if anything goes wrong or if they screw you over, you were the one that ended this friendship." I said and walked away.

All over again(A Kendall Schmidt fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now