Honest Opinions: Being "Random" Is Not Funny

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No. You are not. You're not quirky and you are not random. You're obnoxious and just like every other thirteen year old girl on Wattpad.

"hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meetrand ppl like me. im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again. hehe...toodles!!!!!"

This is a quote from Reddit. Reddit, thank you for this wonderful quote, it summarizes these people perfectly. To a T. I couldn't get a better description of them if I wanted to. Usually I just read stuff about The Walking Dead and occasionally weird internet trends, but this? This is perfect.

We all know them on this website. We all know they spam your pm boxes saying stuff like "hey here I lerve yer books here's a taco". I try not to get angry, but do people not realize how stupid this sounds?

Today, we're going to really try to look at some of their shenanigans and antics.

Random is not a word to mean quirky and word. It refers to luck. Pulling a name out of a hat? That's random. Rolling dice? That's random. Taking one card out of a deck? That's random. Lamenting your love for alpacas? That's annoying. Your sense of humor is bad, and you should feel bad.

A lot of things I actually really like have been ruined by people like this.

For one, am I the only one not afraid of Clowns? It seems I am.

"But Elyse, Laughing Jack!"

Oh, the fictional clown written by a college guy? Am I supposed to hate an entire profession because of a piece of fiction?

"But Elyse, John Wayne Gaycee!"

Alright. I suppose I'll fear all gay men as being cannibals because of Jeffrey Dahmer too, huh? Don't discredit an entire career because of one bad one. And we don't even know if he killed his victims dressed as the clown, its all rumors.

"But Elyse, Twisty!"

Twisty is like a combination of the other two excuses. One, he's not real, and two, he's loosely based on Wayne Gaycee. He can't hurt you, and the man he's based on died a long time ago. Clowns are children's entertainment, people. Not something scary. Grow up.

Some really happy birthday memories of mine involved Clowns. Is there something wrong with that?

Also, what is with people thinking it's cool to hate on Call Of Duty, because it's the cool and quirky thing to hate something popular?

While I haven't played all of the games, I've played three. And I enjoyed all three. They're not terrible games (with the exception of Ghosts, which I played and thoroughly disliked). I had a close friend, and we would go to his house as ten year olds and play call of duty. Yes, some of the fans are annoying, but that doesn't mean the games are to blame.

Then there's girl gamers, who think their entire draw is that they're girls.
It's 2015. A lot of girls play games. What's your deal.

"I love Zelda and Mario!"

And I love Smite and Harvest Moon, what's your point? Naming two games you play does not make you automatically a quirky nerd, nor does it really matter.

Certain words are absolutely ruined by these people. Taco, banana, llama, spork, random, alpaca, penguins, basically any funny sounding word.

Why do you find it necessary to bring up these words in contexts that they don't belong? It isn't a joke and it isn't funny.

"Quit being such a banana, Elyse!" No, shut the fuck up. If you want to call me an asshole or a bitch, that's fine. Call me that. Call me a nasty rusted c**t (censored because I really am disgusted by this word) for all I care, just don't call me a silly word.

And music, oh boy. They think if they don't listen to something on the radio, they're cool. Like listening to some shitty random emo band or an indie group no ones heard about.

"I'm so hardcore, I listen to punk like Linkin Park and Pierce the Veil!"

Honey, that isn't hardcore. That's not bad music, and I'm not saying my music is superior, that's pompous, but don't think you're hardcore when you're not.

The Ramones, Rise Against, ACDC, early Metallica, and Against Me! are all great examples of what I'd call hardcore. Not just in the music and the guitars and drums, but the words have meaning and aren't all just meaningless love songs, which is basically all of what emo music is.

A lot of the music listened to by "random" kids is just either love songs or songs about individuality. Which is perfect for them.

A lot of people title their chapters stuff like "chapter 9- a rand3m adventure with a platypus". Stupid shit like that. If you have this humor in your story, I'm counting it as an admittance of lazy. You lazy, lazy bastards.

Also, don't swear every other sentence. For God's sake, it doesn't make you cool just because your parents are bad at their jobs as your guardians and don't check your Wattpad. It makes you seem like a try-hard.

God, its two in the morning, what am I doing up this late? I need to go to bed. Whatever. Goodnight Proxy's, I hope you all had a good 2015. Love and kisses, your MaskyisOMG.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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