Oh My God, Make It Stop

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I love you guys. I really do. But oh my good Zalgo, I'm running out of patience.

From multiple people, I have gotten spam of nothing but "Masky, Masky, Masky" from that one webcomix.

I'm tired and incoherent. I've had a long day. I probably don't make sense. Let me try to explain.

You've all seen the comic. The one where Toby pokes and prods at Masky to annoy him, repeating his name, following him into the shower and while he eats his cereal. Well, certain individuals find that so hilarious that they PM me with it, and leave it on my board.

And you know what? It was funny the first time. But now? It's obnoxious.

If you are one of the people I'm talking about, no, I don't dislike you in any way. I'm a little frustrated, but no, I do not hate you. I just want it to stop.

This is just a quick note. I really feel like I'm coming off as an asshole, and please tell me if you thought I was too, and I'll edit this later to be less rude, but I'm very tired right now, and don't want to deal with this. I'll try and update tomorrow, but I don't know what.

Night, Proxies.

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