At Water's Edge- Chapters 1-4

Start from the beginning

As you read this my life has far surpassed its zenith, yet in your reality it has only begun. Read this as the days go by, read it as I live it and that way you will be there with me, as you were always meant to be. Please know that I am well, that I am loved, and I have loved more than I thought was possible. My life is joyous so please be happy for me and know that you are always in my thoughts.

I love you now and always your,  


Chapter 1.

April 12th, 2009

It is Easter Sunday and at the ungodly hour of 7am I am rudely awakened by my mother, who is having a panic attack about all things that need to get done before the guests arrive. Since then I have not stopped. After all the scrubbing and washing, cooking and setting up all are finally fed and satisfied. I set the dishwasher to wash and decide to escape the chaos. My dinner guest is nestled asleep in my room, so I can take a few minutes to myself, without a worry of having to entertain her. I decided to take a long walk in the park, to get away from the pandemonium which has descended upon my house.  

Walking up the steps to the park I notice it is an unusually humid day, which explains the thin layer of fog which is slowly approaching from the sea.  

"Great!! My hair is going to be a frizz ball, why did I even bother straightening it." 

I stick it in a low pony tail in hopes of bridling the unruly mess it's about to turn into. Making my way through the park I pull my camera out of my bag and start taking pictures, hoping to catch a shot great enough to grace my wall. As of late I have chosen photography as my creative outlet and if I say so myself I do believe I have gotten quite good.  

Snapping away I realize that the fog is getting quite thick but, I don't care it looks great in my pictures it adds a certain 'je ne sais quoi'. As I continue to walk deeper into the park, it is getting rather difficult to see even a few feet in front of me. Though I have veered off the path a long time ago I'm not bothered, I know this place like the back of my hand; I'll find my way out eventually, I convince myself. Not too far ahead I see a gorgeous patch of violets; I decide to make them my next subject. I am completely swept away with portraying them in the right light, to bring out their true beauty. Not paying attention to the overgrowth, my foot gets caught in the roots of a nearby maple. I scream out in surprise as I trip and my head hits a tree, but my voice barely carries. For the first time I notice the fog is like a white blanket, I can barely see even my own feet.  

Pulling myself up into a sitting position and touching the spot where I hit my head, I feel quite a bump beginning to form. I lift my hand from my forehead and feel a trickle of warm blood.  

"Great now I'm bleeding good going Nina, you can't even walk without attempting suicide."  

Scrambling to my feet and dusting myself off, I notice my camera is missing. I scurry around looking for it; out in the distance I see a glint of silver. Certain it is my camera I take a few steps, closer to it. Walking forward I bend to pick it up, straightening I check if it's ok, paying little attention to where I'm walking I take another step but my foot comes into contact with nothing but air. I tumble down the hill; thankfully I don't hit anything along the way. Angry with myself I get up, brush myself off and cursing my carelessness under my breath, I take a look at my surroundings.  

In the fog everything looks so different, I honestly have no idea which side of the park I'm on or where I am at all. The fog really has me disoriented and now I feel a headache coming on from my previous encounter with the maple. I decide to give up and go home before I knock myself unconscious smacking into yet another tree. Walking up the hill I notice out of the corner of my eye a sunlit patch through the fog. Figuring the sun must be burning up the moisture, I turn to my right and walk towards it. I am hoping I'll find my bearings if I can see something other than the fog. The closer I get, the brighter the light it is like a beacon; calling to me and guiding me, as I step into it, it is blinding. Turning back I see nothing but pallid air so I continue walking deeper into the light. Not being able to see anything in the brightness, I wait for my eyes to adjust, but my head is splitting and my ears are ringing. I start to see spots before my eyes, my vision gets darker and darker, I break into a cold sweat and I know what is coming on. I faint.

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