Face down

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Author note : when (** Insert background music here**) pops up you click on the video below. It will make the story make more scince , becky may not write much cuz i took her camping and we both are very sunbured. - liz


jaces pov

Last night Nate came over to hang out with Emma. It didn't really bother me, as long as i stayed in my room the whole time. I was in the middle of recording a cover of i wanna go, as i hear loud yelling , then thuds as someone was going down the stairs. Who ever it was , they shook the house by slamming the door, I pushed the stop button on my audacity and took off my head phones. Slowly opening the door i noticed nobody was in the hallway. I then looked at the clock and called it a night as i went back into my room.

12am saturday morning

I am ice cream man , running over fat kids with my van. When they hear my bell all the little fat kids run like, " Hello?" i answered my phone.

"Jace, I'm outside open your door." Said Nate on the phone. I hung up and walked down stairs and opened the door. He followed me to the kitchen.

"Is it your parents again?" i asked looking at the bruises on his face.  He shook his head and said " No."

" Here let me get you some ice." i said practically running to the fridge. A minute later i sat down next to him as i stuck the bag of ice on his face. " You can sleep in my room if you want." i said.

2 weeks later

My friend Nikki came over while nate was upstairs with Emma. My parents were at work and Nikki and i were watching spongebob. That when i heard Loud noises come from up stairs. I went to my room to see if i left my stero on. I was on but not very loud, i turned it up to hear what was playing.


in the hallway ~

"How could you cheat on me Nate? I was the best freakin thing that has happened to you!" Emma yelled backing nate closer and closer to the stairs. I was halfway down the hallway as emma pushed nate down the stairs.

"Nate !" nikki and i both yelled as we ran to him. After that emma was nowhere to b found on the steps. We helped him onto the sofa .

" Nikki stay with him , im going to have a talk with grouchy butt." i said running up the stairs. Emma jumpped as i busted open her door. " What the heck was that about emma?! "

" Two reasons jace, one he cheated on me, two , he told me he was gay." she said ,looking like she was going to kill me.

we the ngot into a huge arguement and i slammed her door behind me . I was sick of this, Nikki drove me and nate to the hospital. He had a broken arm and slightly hit his head but he was ok.

" Jace," he whispered trying not to wake up niiki next to us, "Thank you from freeing me."

" What ? i asked.

"from her, did she tell you i wa-"

"yeah" i interuppted," nate was it because of me?"

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