A not so happy birthday

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3rd pov into....

Jace woke up a beautiful July Saturday feeling like crap. Today was not only his , but Emma's birthday. Everyone thought Emma was older because of  him being in a lower grade, being three minutes older, and him being short for his age ( 5'9)

jace's pov

god, why does Emma have to be my twin? Why couldn't she be my cousin? Every year she gives my parents a LONG list of things she wants. I on the other hand give them a list with like clothes, Cd's, books, these kinds of things. Last year they gave Emma a $500 dog named Sophie. My awesome room cost less then her dog did! Anyways mom is giving us a party for our 16th birthday today. Guess who will be there, Nate. I think hes been wondering why I'm ignoring him lately. I'm just sick of the cuddling and the flirting between him and Emma. I know, i know, I'm jealous of her. 

I walked outside in my black hoodie and shorts. There was a big pile of presents just for Emma . Then there was 4 gifts for me. Its not that my parents hate me , i just ask for less stuff because they aren't made of money and I'm more respectful.

" look who's finally to his own party.!" said my mom laughing, i faked a smile. I looked terrible, My hair was messed up and i wasn't wearing my contacts so i wore my glasses instead. I wanted to be cool and picked out Steve earcle glasses. ;) who wouldn't want them? i sat down and stuck my feet in the pool and kept to my self. Thats when Nate pulled in the drive and walked into the backyard.

"Hey Mrs. Hail!" i heard as i kicked my feet in the water.

"Hey jace ." i turned my head around and saw him behind me. I quickly got up and hid in my room slamming all the doors behind me.

A short while Nate banged on my door asking me to let him in. I finally did. He closed the door behind him, then i finally snapped. I spilled every emotion i had for him . Then i did something even worse, i kissed him.

" I'm so , sorry i- i " i started crying and all my words slurred, This is bad, the last time i cried i was 10 and my turtle died. 

" You can go, *sniff* , just please dont tell Emma," i said trying to make my voice clear.

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