HELP !?!

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hey so i know this isnt an update...sorry but i was wondering if i could get your guys help. im currently having massive writers block and i need an idea or two to continue the story and fill in the next 3 weeks before her birthday...i need some ideas from you lovely people ! :3 ....SO if u have any ideas...ANY at all even if u think it is stupid still let me know :) i wont judge u...inbox it to mee <3

Dedication goes to the person with the best idea !! and ill fan them too :D

so please :3..ALSO some people are asking me when im going to start the sexting...

Spoiler - it will be a few chapters after her birthday...but im not telling you who it will be with yet ;) it could be any of them... :P

So not updating til i get an idea...just letting you guys know...sorry about the massive wait...

-Laura xo

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