Chapter 17

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6 or so years later

Lauren's PoV

Everything was right. Today is mine and Joey's 5th wedding anniversary. He told me he had a special surprise planned for me, but boy did I have one too. I had been lying in bed just staring at him for almost an hour. He was still so cute when he slept and I couldn't help myself. He shifted in bed a little bit when Amelia, our two year old, started to fuss in the next room. I quietly got out of bed to get her so he could sleep a little longer.

"Hi my little angel" I said with a big smile on my face as I walked through the door. "How is my Miss Amelia this morning?"

"Hi mama" she said with a bigger smile than mine. She never failed to melt my heart every time she called me mama. I walked over and lifted her out of her crib.

"My god baby, you're getting big. Or maybe mama's just getting old, how about that, huh?" She put her head on my shoulder and hugged me.

"Daddy!" she shouted, right into my ear unfortunately. I turned around to see Joey leaning in the doorway smiling at us.

"And how are my two favorite ladies this fine morning?" he asked. He walked over and gave Amelia kiss on the head "Morning, babe. Happy anniversary" he added as he gave me a quick kiss. The same kiss he gave me every morning, but it still gave me butterflies just the same.

"Happy anniversary, my love" I said. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we went into the kitchen. The table was covered with rose petals and there was a huge bouquet in the center. Beneath the flowers was a card. He must have set this up after I went to bed. I put Amelia in her highchair and ran over to read the card. Joey laughed at my eagerness and put a pot of coffee on.

The card read, "Happy 5th anniversary, Lo! I love you so much and wouldn't have wanted to spend these last 5 (well really it's more like 15 but you get the idea) years with anyone else. You're the love of my life and I can't even imagine what I would do without you. To celebrate our special night, Julia is going to watch Amelia until tomorrow and I'm taking you out. Be ready by 7 o'clock. Love you!"

"Oh Jo, this is so sweet. I love you so much, you have no idea. I don't know where I'd be without you." I walked over and kissed him. We were both getting pretty into it, which of course I enjoyed, but Amelia was right there so I pulled away, blushing a little. "Well then" I said with a laugh. He let out a small laugh as well and turned back to finish the coffee. I went over and began to feed Amelia. I wonder where he could be taking me.

The day progressed fairly normally and it was getting on 5 o'clock so I got Amelia's things ready to take her to Julia's. Julia was doing well. She had two kids of her own and a wonderful husband. They were such a cute little family. I checked the clock and decided it was time to go.

"I'm going to drop Amelia at Julia's!" I yelled to Joey.

"Alright, see you in a bit, love you!" he replied.

When Julia answered the door, she practically toppled me and Amelia over with her hug.

"Happy anniversary you beautiful thing!" she shouted. "And hello there little Amelia"

"Can you say hi to Aunt Julia?" I asked her.

"Hi" she said, giving Julia a little wave.

"Well I don't want to keep you too long" she said. "Send my love to Joey and have a good time tonight." She winked when she said that last part and I laughed to myself.

I got back to our condo and opened to door to see Joey standing there with a single, long-stemmed rose in his hand.

"Wait I still have time to get ready don't I?!" I asked frantically.

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