Chapter 10

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Joey's PoV

I hadn't seen Lo since our last coffee date. It wasn't the end of the world, but I wanted to tell her in person that Mariah and I broke up so I could also tell her about my feelings for her. I decided to text her just to make sure we didn't end up with a repeat of last time.

"Coffee tomorrow? I have something important to tell you." I nervously hit send.

A few minutes later, she responded, "Me too, see you at 1:00." What could she have to tell me? Oh well, that would have to wait until tomorrow I guess. I locked my phone and placed it on the nightstand and started to doze off, thinking about how telling Lauren would go.


My alarm went off at 10:30. I was still tired, but I knew I needed to get up. I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to get in the shower. The water felt good against my skin and helped calm my nerves. The idea of telling Lo everything scared me, but I was sort of excited too. If Brian and I were right, she felt the same way. And getting to be with her... that would be amazing. After daydreaming for a while, I finished up in the shower and hopped out, pulling on a pair of jeans. I brushed my teeth and threw on a striped t-shirt. I was too nervous and antsy to do anything but sit on the couch and wait 'til it was time to go.

Lauren's PoV

I looked at the clock. 8:59. I had been lying there for almost an hour just staring at the ceiling. I didn't sleep very well last night. I was so nervous about having to tell Joey I was leaving. Finally, my alarm rang and I reached over to turn it off. I got up and got into the shower. The water seemed to help calm my nerves. I finished up and hopped out, wrapping myself in a towel. I wasn't sure what to wear today. I knew I couldn't have Joey, but I still wanted to look nice for him. I decided on a plain dress with a sweater and some converse. My nerves were still getting to me and I didn't feel much like primping myself so I just threw my hair up in a pony and put on some mascara, blush, and a little lip gloss. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV to pass the time until I was supposed to meet Joey.

At 12:30, I couldn't wait any longer so I headed to the coffee shop, knowing I would be early. I walked in to see Joey was already sitting there. He was tapping his foot and glanced at his watch before looking up and seeing me. Why was he so anxious? I was early. Maybe he had bad news for me as well and this wouldn't be as hard. As I walked over, he stood up and got my chair for me. He didn't have any coffee yet, but I didn't feel much like having some anyways so I didn't mention it.

"So anyways Lo," he said, "I've been waiting to tell you in person that... Mariah and I broke up."

"Oh Joey I'm so sorry. What happened?"

"Well you know after the fight we had, we both realized some things and decided it just wasn't going to work out."

"Well I'm always here for you if you need anything." I paused for a second. "Wait... after the fight? Oh, please tell me it wasn't my fault that you broke up. I know the fight was about us spending time together, but we could meet up less I guess if that would make her feel better and I don't know we could.." He cut me off.

"Lauren don't worry about it okay. Mariah and I are done and I'm okay with that. There's more I wanted to tell you though. You see, the reason we broke up is"

Before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off. "Wait Jo you had your news and I just can't keep mine in any longer. This is so hard to tell you, I don't know how to start..."

"What is it Lo? Just go ahead and say it."

"Well, you see, that meeting I had during our coffee date was with a guy named JD. He works over in New York and he said he might have some acting work for me. And then the other week, we had another meeting and... and... Well he booked me for a gig. The only thing is, it's in New York. I could be there indefinitely. Well, actually I will be there indefinitely because... I accepted the job." I finished and looked down and away from Joey's face. I didn't want to know what his face looked like.

After what seemed like forever he finally said, "Well I mean I'm going to miss you of course, but that's great news... I'm really happy for you." He sounded a little disappointed I would be leaving, but that wasn't the reaction I had been hoping for. I had hoped he would tell me that he didn't want me to leave. That he would give me a reason to stay and, now that he was broken up with Mariah, that that reason would be him.

I started to tear up a little bit at the thought of having to leave Joey. He came over and picked me up into a tight hug. I cried softly into his chest, inhaling his scent every so often. He was rubbing circles on my back and telling me everything was going to be okay and that we would be back together again before I knew it. We stayed like that for a few minutes until my tears let up and we pulled apart. I looked up into his eyes and in that moment I wanted so badly just to kiss him, but if he had felt that way about me, he would have told me to stay.

Joey's Pov

I sat waiting at the table for Lo to get there. I knew I was super early, but I kept on checking the door anyways. I was anxiously tapping my foot and I glanced at my watch. 12:43. I looked up to check the door again and this time she was actually walking in. I stood up to pull out her chair for her.

I decided it was best to just get the news about me and Mariah out right away so I would have some time to ease into telling her my feelings. "So anyways Lo," I said, "I've been waiting to tell you in person that... Mariah and I broke up."

She looked down and I could have sworn I saw her smile a little bit but then she quickly looked at me and said, "Oh Joey I'm so sorry. What happened?" I told her that after the fight, Mariah and I decided that we just weren't right for each other anymore.

"Well I'm always here for you if you need anything" she said. And then she paused and her face turned a little worried. "Wait... after the fight? Oh, please tell me it wasn't my fault that you broke up. I know the fight was about us spending time together, but we could meet up less I guess if that would make her feel better and I don't know we could.." I cut her off. I told her not to worry about it and that I had more to tell her. I was about to go for it and just rip off the band aid but before I could finish my sentence, she interrupted.

"Wait Jo you had your news and I just can't keep mine in any longer. This is so hard to tell you, I don't know how to start..." I couldn't possibly imagine what she had to tell me that was going to be so difficult so I just looked at her a little and encouraged her to continue. What she said next broke my heart. She was moving to New York. My insides were churning and I felt like I could throw up and scream and punch something all at the same time. How could she be doing this? Did this mean that she didn't like me? It had to. If she did she wouldn't be leaving me now that Mariah and I were over. She wasn't even looking at me now.

Finally I said, "Well I mean I'm going to miss you of course, but that's great news... I'm really happy for you." I tried to conceal my disappointment but I don't think it worked very well. I wanted to tell her to stay, but she seemed like she wanted this job.

She did look a little sad about leaving though, because before long I saw a tear roll down her cheek. She was probably upset about having to leave everyone and this place where she had lived for so long now. I got up and pulled her into a hug. I could feel her tears through my shirt, but I didn't mind. I just stood there rubbing her back and telling her everything would be okay. After she seemed to have stopped crying, we pulled apart. Looking into her eyes, all I wanted was to tell her how I felt and kiss her, but I contained myself. 

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