Chapter 4

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Lauren's PoV

I woke up from a dream about lunch with Taylor. It didn't go well, but I would take it over another dream about Joey. I need to make myself move on, he has Mariah. Today I actually was going to have lunch with Taylor, the barista at Kofenya. Hopefully it would go better than in my dream. I got out of bed and went down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Julia was at the table scrolling through her phone.

"I made some pancakes, they're over there on the counter" she said.

"Oh thanks, I don't want to eat a lot though, that will only make my nervous stomach worse."

"Nervous? About what?" she asked, confused. I forgot I hadn't told her about my lunch date with Taylor. I explained how I had met yesterday and that the date did not go well in my dream.

"Ooh Lo's got a date! How exciting!" she sang.

"I mean it's not a big deal, but it is nice to know I have someone interested in me. I've been single for so long."

"Yeah I know what you mean," she replied. "I miss being with someone sometimes."

"You mean you miss being with Darren sometimes," I corrected her.

"Yeah, yeah. Same difference. What time is your lunch?"

"12:30" I glanced at the clock seeing it was already 11:00. "So I guess maybe I should get ready then."

I went back to my room to pick out an outfit. He had seen me yesterday in just jeans and a top and seemed okay with that. I pulled out a pair of cropped leggings, a white tank, and a denim button down. I would pair this with some white converse and light make up. Yes, that would be good.

I went on my way to meet Taylor and my stomach felt nervous still. I just didn't want it to go wrong. I was so over being alone and I thought that Taylor would be a good fix.

When I got to the restaurant, Taylor was already sitting at a table, waiting and smiling. I walked over and he stood up to pull out my chair for me.

"Hi, Lauren. It's good to see you"

"Yes, it's good to see you too, Taylor"

"I hope this place is okay, I know it's nothing special or anything, but I like it alright."

"Yeah, no, this is great!" I reassured him.

We ordered our food and talked for a while, continuing throughout the meal. I told him all about my acting career and time at UofM. I then spent what was probably too long telling him about how all my friends and I had created team Starkid and about all of the shows we had done.

He stopped me, "Wait a second are you guys the group that did that Harry Potter musical?"

"Yeah we are. Have you seen them?" I asked, excited he knew some of our work.

"Well I saw part of the one. I didn't know there were more."

"You probably were watching our first show, A Very Potter Musical"

"Yeah that's what it was. I've got a buddy up over in New York who deals with that kind of stuff. He said it was funny and that I should check it out."

"Annnndddd... What did you think?" I inquired

"Well, to be honest I didn't watch the whole thing, but what I saw was pretty good, I guess. Were you in it?"

"Yes I was. I played Draco Malfoy."

"Really? I never would have guessed that was you. I mean I figured it was a chick, but.. I mean I don't really remember too many specifics. But if I remember correctly my buddy particularly liked your performance. Let me hit him up."

I didn't really like his tone about all of this. He didn't seem too interested in theatre or acting and, let's face it, that's my life. Plus his word choice made him sound sort of like a dick. We chatted while we waited for his friend to respond. After a few minutes, Taylor explained that it was my performance that caught his friend's eye and that he asked that Taylor pass on his number. I took it thankfully, thinking that it could be my chance to land a solid job somewhere in my field.

Taylor and I said a friendly goodbye, but I knew I wouldn't be going out with him again. It wasn't worth going out with someone with no similar interests just so I wasn't alone. I headed back home disappointed about the date, but hopeful about what this number could bring me.

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