CHAPTER TEN - The Plan... Though Plans Don't Normally Work

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All Sirius/Alessia fans will enjoy this chapter <3 <3

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Remus was hanging back with Peter as they walked so he wouldn't have to face Sirius yet. Did he have feelings for Alessia? He kept telling himself he didn't, but that voice kept coming back.

The "Founders" were trying to find the castle, but with Sirius telling them to go left and James saying right, no one was quite sure of where to go. Remus eventually explained that they should find the Whomping Willow, and that would lead them to the castle, not looking at either Sirius or Alessia.

He suddenly had an idea. But Sirius could take it the wrong way... What was he saying? Of course Sirius would take it the wrong way at first! That's what Sirius did! But Remus had to do it anyway, because he cared about both Sirius and Alessia and wanted to see them happy together, even if he might have feelings for her.

"Padfoot." he hissed, hanging back even more and encouraging Peter to go ahead without him.

Sirius turned around and he and James came up. Remus shook his head. Of course, James understood: "It's private, buddy, sorry."

"What?" Sirius spat.

"I know how to get you and Alessia back together." Remus replied.

This seemed to get his attention and Sirius promptly forgot that he should be mad at Remus.


"Okay, here's the plan, though plans don't normally work-" Remus muttered.

"Reassuring." Sirius nodded, sarcastically.

"Guys, keep up!" Lily yelled, waving them onward from the front of the group.

The two kept walking as they discussed the plan.

"Do you want me to make a fool of myself? No way am I doing that!" Sirius raged.

"Sirius, do you want her back or not?" Remus asked, impatiently.

"If she even wants me back anymore." Sirius mutttered.

"Of course she does, Padfoot! Some girls act that way. It's their way to defend themselves, or push out the pain, whatever you want to call it." Remus inisited.

"Since when do you know about girls?"

"Trust me." Remus said, forcefully. "Or I swear I'll bite your head off next full moon."

"That's a month from now, I'm good." Remus gave him a look. "Oh, alright, I'll do it. Now?"

"No next week - of course now!" Remus smacked him on the back of the head. "Alessia! Alessia! I know you can hear me, don't ignore me! Alessia! ALESSIA!"

"WHAT?!" Alessia roared, finally turning around.

"Come here." Remus sang, a grin on his face.

Alessia rolled her eyes and told Lily, Peter and James to keep going and that she'd catch up. Slowly, she made her way up the hill. She put her hands on her hips once she got there. "What?" she repeated.

"Sirius has something to tell you." Remus said, pushing a reluctant Marauder forward.

Alessia looked skeptical and crossed her arms over her chest, waiting.

Sirius held in a sigh and got down on his knees.

"Sirius Black, after all this you better not be proposing to me." Alessia said, stubbornly.

"Moony, this isn't going to work." Sirius said, in between clenched teeth.

"It will! Just keep going!" Remus hissed.

Sirius sighed aloud this time and looked back at Alessia. "I am so, so, so sorry. I was a jerk and I overreacted. I should have trusted you. If you never want to see me again, I'll understand, and if you choose someone else over me, I'll beat the crap out of-" Remus hit him. "Anyway, I don't want your forgiveness unless you're willing to give me it. All I wanted to say, was that I still loved you."

Alessia stood there for a second, re-playing Sirius' speech in her head. Eventually, she smiled.

Score! Remus thought.

"Of course I'll forgive you." Alessia exclaimed and as Sirius stood up she ran into his arms and they hugged for a very long time.

"Well, my work here is done. I'm going to give you two a few minutes alone." Remus hurried back down the hill to tell Lily, James and Peter what had happened.

Even though it pained him a little, deep down he was truly happy for them. Remus congratulated himself. For once, a plan had succeeded. Now they just had to make the most important plan in their lives succeed - Founding a wizarding school perfectly right.

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