CHAPTER NINE - Severe Training

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I am so so so so so sorry for no updating in a really long time. I decided to just write this quick chapter because I'm going to Europe soon and this is my most popular story. I don't know if I'll have internet connection there, and if I do, it won't be for long so I might have time to write the occaisonal comment or response to a comment, but I won't have time to write a whole chapter. So sorry :'(

"I feel stupid." Sirius complained, looking down on his green and black robes. "I feel like Snivellus."

James took a step away from him in disgust.

"God damn it, it's just an outfit." Alessia spat, taking the wrinkles out of her own robes (though blue and black) with her hands.

Lily, Alessia, James and Sirius were all dressed as their respective Founders. Every once in a while, Lily would ask them a question on their Founders, like, what was their name, what they contributed to the foundation, what things they created, etc.

"Salazar Slytherin," Lily said. Sirius looked up. "What did you create?"

"The Room of Requierment." he replied, automatically. "Lilz, you quizzed us all morning, we really don't need all of this."

She threw him a glare and kept walking, stopping in front of Alessia. "Your daughter's name?"

"Helena." Alessia replied, faking a British accent.

"Correct. Husband?" Lily pushed further into the topic. Alessia said she didn't know her husband's name, but she would ask Liz or Liam if they did. Happy with the answer, Lily moved on to James.

"James?" she asked.

"What?" he replied, looking up.

Lily smacked him on the head.

"Dude, you're supposed to be Godric Gryffindor." Peter said. He and Remus were standing aside, watching as the rest of the gang got ready, and thankful they didn't have to go through Lily's severe training.

"Sorry, sorry!" James exclaimed, rubbing his head.

"All right," Lily sighed. "Let's try again, shall we? Remus, ask him a question."

Remus, snapping out of his daydream fumbled around his head for a hard question. Finally, he had one:

"Where you, or where you not, friends with Salazar Slytherin?"

"I where not." James answered, confidently.

Lily let out a frustrated sigh and walked over to him so she could smack him on the head again. "You were!" she screeched. "You were, you were, you were!"

"Yeah, what's wrong with me? I'm too good to be your friend?" Sirius asked.

Soon enough, an argument errupted in between James and Sirius on who was the better house founder, though they were supposed to be friends. It wouldn't be good if - when the time came to found Hogwarts - Sirius and James were mad at each other, though they were supposed to be friends.

"Lily, how come you let me go out with an idiot like that, and not talk some sense into me and tell me to go out with... Remus, let's say!" Alessia demanded, putting her hands on her hips in her blue and black robes

Remus' head snapped up again at his name. "What?"

"Nothing." Lily dissmissed him with an eye roll. "She was just giving an example."

The room had suddenly grown very quiet, besides Alessia and Lily's whispers. Alessia's past statement changed things among the Marauders, for one, Sirius had heard her proclaim so and so did Remus. That night would not be a peacful one in Liam's room.

Sirius and James had stopped fighting. Remus caught their eye and he could have sworn he saw Sirius' heart break.

He still likes her, Remus told himself. He still likes her and she's making it pretty damn clear that she wants nothing to do with him. Well, hell yeah, he overreacted and he's kind of an idiot but-

"Moony can I talk to you?" Sirius asked, dangerously, though his voice had the slightest shake in it. Remus doubted anyone else had heard, but he didn't want to talk to Sirius just yet.

"No," Lily said, coming to the rescue. "He needs to quiz me on my house founder."

Remus let himself be dragged into the corner of the room where Alessia was waiting, a rush of relief flooding him. He didn't have to comfront his friends - for something he didn't even do, he might add.

But a small voice in the back of his head whispered a single word that would change Remus' perspective of things: Yet.

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