TMNT Raphael X TomboyReader The Dress

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You currently went to the same high school as April and Casey. You and April have been friends since the beginning of the school year, which meant that you were also friends with the turtles. Anyway, there was going to be a dance being held at the school tomorrow night. It was one of those dances that required the boys to wear a tuxedo or a suit while the girls wore dresses. You weren't a fan of dresses/skirts, you hated to admit it but some of them did look nice. Though you couldn't really imagine yourself wearing one. You were a bit of a tomboy you preferred t-shirts, jeans, sweatpants, sneakers, and you wore your hair in a messy ponytail. It was lunch period and you sat at one of your favorite spots in the cafeteria and began to enjoy your food. April placed her tray on the table and took a seat next to you.

"Hi April," you said.

"Hey _____, listen can I ask you a favor?" April asked.

"Sure what is it?" You replied before you took a bite of your sandwich.

"Well, long story short, Casey asked me to go to the dance with him and I said I'll only go if you go with us."

You almost choked on your sandwich but you managed to swallow the bite you took moments ago, "What?"

"What I'm trying to say is will you go to the dance with us?"

"Wait a minute. Me? Go to the dance? No way. Why didn't you ask Irma to go?"

"I did but she said she already made plans for that night and besides I don't want to handle Casey on my own."

"That sucks."

"So will you-?"

"No," you replied flatly.

"Please, I'll do your homework for a month," April begged.

"Tempting, but my answer is still no."

April sighed, "Alright, but if you don't go, I'll tell Raph about your little crush on him."

"What?!" You shouted as you quickly stood up. You sat back down and flustered when you noticed about half of the cafeteria staring at you. You waited a couple minutes for them to go back to their business before you continued to talk to April.

"What do you mean my little crush on Raph?" You whispered.

"Come on, I know you like him," April teased.

"No I don't," you growled. It was true, you've had a pretty big crush on the red clad turtle for months but of course you weren't planning on admitting it anytime soon.

"Well, let's see what he thinks about it," April said as she pulled out her t-phone.

"You wouldn't dare," you glared.

"Oh, but I would," April began to scroll through her contacts list.

"I swear you're evil."

"So~, is that a yes?"

You sighed in defeat, "Fine, I'll go but there's one little problem."

April put down her phone, "What's that?"

"I don't even own a dress."

"That's ok, we can go shopping after school, what do you say?"

You shrugged, "Yay...?"

"Great," April clapped her hands together turned around, "Hey Casey we're all going!"

"Yes!" Casey fist pumped into the air.

'What on earth have I gotten myself into?' You thought worriedly.

As soon as school let out you and April were out picking out a dress while Casey decided to go hang out with the turtles for the afternoon. Leonardo was playing pinball, Raphael was reading a comic, Donatello was typing away at his laptop, and Michelangelo was sitting in front of the television watching cartoons.

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