Donatello X TomboyReader My Rescue

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You were going to go to one of your dad's office party, it was a formal event which meant you had to wear a dress. You really wished it was one of those parties wear you could wear jeans but no it wasn't. You reluctantly agreed to go dress shopping with your mom because if you were going to wear a dress, you were going to pick it out. Deep down you were more of a tomboy and of course wearing a dress wasn't something you were into. You even tried to get out of it by saying you had to study with your friend April but they still said you had to come along. Then your t-phone went off, you looked at the caller id which showed Donatello's face. You smiled a little, you've had a crush on the brainiac terrapin for a number of months now.

You picked up your phone and answered, "Hi Don, what's up?"

"Oh not much but I've been working on the mutagen tracker for a while, but how about you?"

You sighed, "Well, my mom is making me pick out a dress for my dad's stupid office party."

"I'm sure it won't be that bad and besides I'd bet you'd look great in a dress."

You flustered a little, "Me in a dress? Have you even met me?"

"I know, I know, but it couldn't hurt to at least try it out."

"Honestly, I'd rather be kidnapped by the Purple Dragons or maybe the foot."

"Oh don't be like that."

"What, you'll rescue me won't you?" You playfully teased.

Donatello blushed a little, "W-well of course I would."

You were about to say something until heard your mom calling for you, "Oh Donnie, I'll have to talk to you later my mom and I are heading out, bye."

After you hung up, you and your mom drove out to the dress store. The place itself was fairly big so it was going to take a while to browse around. You two probably spent an hour looking through almost every dress the store had to offer. You've never seen this many dresses and in different colors, styles, and designs it was ridiculous.

'Too poofy, too much sequins, too many rhinestones, too long, too short, too plain, too floral, too bright, oh no not ruffles,' you thought as you went though the various racks of dresses.

There were so many styles, colors, and designs it was almost giving you a headache. Eventually you picked out something you could wear or at least tolerate for the evening. Your mom also bought you a new pair of dress shoes to go with the dress as well. They had a lacey pattern going across the toe with a low heel. As you two returned home, you had to get yourself ready for the party. You washed your face and brushed out your hair. You were carefully putting on your dress for the party. You managed to get your dress on, then you decided to give Donatello a quick call before you had to leave.

Donatello answered after the third ring, "Hey ______."

"Hi Donnie, I just got back from shopping with mother," you replied.

"How'd it go?"

"Well, I guess you can say that I finally picked out something and I'm getting ready before I have to leave for the party."

"Really? Can I see it?"

"No," you groaned.

"Please?" Donatello begged.

About a minute later you gave in and sighed, "Fine, but you better not laugh when you get there."

"I won't, I won't, I'll see you in about ten minutes," Donatello said before he hung up.

Donatello arrived just outside the window to your room and he texted to let you know he was here. You texted him back that he could come in but you needed his assistance with something. Donatello slowly opened the window and stepped inside. You had your back to him, he could see that the zipper to the back of the dress wasn't fully zipped up.

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