Leonardo X Reader Leo's Nurse

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Ever since Leonardo woke up from his three month coma you've been trying your best to help take care of the blue-clad turtle. A few days before the invasion, you had already confessed your feelings to him, but in your mind it felt like it happened yesterday. You came down to the lair because you wanted to talk to Leonardo about something. When you told him how you felt, you almost expected him to not feel the same way, but to your surprise he felt the same way about you.

On the day the invasion happened, April came to the lair with her friend Irma when they were being chased by foot soldiers. Then Irma turned out to be a Kraangbot in disguise and found out the location of the lair. You all fled while Master Splinter fought off the Kraangbot, then Leonardo took it upon himself to distract the other Kraagbots away down another sewer tunnel. After waiting for about an hour at April's apartment Raphael and Casey showed up, second later a loud crash came in. Leonardo was thrown in through the window onto the coffee table. He was unconscious, covered in bruises, and his shell was cracked. After that more chaos came after, Master Splinter was gone, the city was under attack and everyone tried to fight back but you guys had to retreat and head out of New York city toward April's old family home.

When all of you first arrived to April's farmhouse, the turtles placed Leonardo in the porcelain tub half filled with water to keep him hydrated and speed up his healing process. You and Raphael would take turns sitting in vigil and sometimes you two would sit and wait together. Almost neither of you ate or slept until Leonardo finally woke up. His voice was sounded deep and raspy from the damage of the fight. While Raphael helped Leonardo with building up his physical strength, you were taking care of his overall health.

You would give him his meals, bring him an extra blanket or a pillow when he needed it, and helped him get around. Of course you didn't mind, you were more than happy to help.

One day you, Casey, and April, went to one of the closest stores to restock on some food and whatever else was needed. Of course, it was one of those really small stores that didn't really carry the big brand items like you would find at your average grocery store. You looked around until you found what you were looking for, instant ramen in a cup. You knew Leonardo loved ramen and you figured it would cheer him up a bit. You grabbed a few and added them to the box.

It was almost sunset when you three arrived back at the farmhouse. After putting the groceries away, you put the kettle on the stove and waited for the water to boil. As soon as the kettle let out a whistle, you grabbed it, opened two of the ramen packages, poured the hot water in, and waited for three minutes.

As soon as the ramen was ready, you took the two cups and two forks out to the porch and saw Leonardo sitting on the bench swing by the tree. You walked over toward the blue-clad turtle and stood a few feet in front of him for a second.

"Hey Leo," you said.

The blue clad turtle looked up and gave you a little smile, "Hey ______," he said in a raspy voice.

"I found some cup ramen at the store today, would you like some?" You asked, handing him the cup and a fork.

"Sure thanks," Leonardo said as he took the cup.

You two sat on the bench swing and enjoyed your ramen. It was quiet except for the occasional slurping sound from eating the noodles. You would shift your gaze over to the turtle every few minutes.

"So, how are you feeling?" You asked.

"Sore all over, but I think I'll be alright as soon as I regain my physical strength," Leonardo replied.

"Leo, I think you should rest a bit longer," you said.

"But I have to become stronger, last time I almost didn't make it and I failed at defeating them."

"Listen, pushing yourself like that isn't going to make you heal faster, you need your rest."

"But how long do I have to rest, I mean this is taking forever," Leonardo sighed.

"Leo, I know this is hard for you but, I thought I was going to lose you that day, when I saw you crash through the window of April's apartment, I thought you were never going to wake up again...," you lowered your gaze.

Leonardo placed a hand on your shoulder, "I'm sorry."

You looked up at him, "Huh?"

"I'm sorry I made you worry this whole time, but I thought I could handle it on my own. I guess I should have thought this through a bit longer," Leonardo said.

"It's ok, I just glad you're still alive," you said scooting closer to him.

"So am I," Leonardo leaned against your shoulder.

Everything became quiet for a good minute or two until Leonardo broke the silence.

"For the record, you do make a pretty great nurse," Leonardo said.

You blushed, "I'm just doing what I can to make sure you make a full recovery."

"Well, there is one more thing that could help," Leonardo smiled.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" You asked facing him.

Leonardo leaned forward and captured your lips into a deep kiss. Your eyes shot wide and then fluttered closed while the ramen cup and fork fell from your hand onto the ground. A few seconds passed and then he pulled away with a satisfying grin on his face.

"By the way, I love you," Leonardo said.

"Leo, I love you too," you replied before you returned the kiss.

You two kissed for a good minute or two then you both parted for air.

"Do you want to head back in?" You asked.

"No, not yet," Leonardo said as he wrapped an arm around you and held you close.

You two sat outside until the sun had completely gone down. It was going to be a long recovery but you were going to be there for him every step of the way.

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