SickRaphael X Reader Feverish

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It was just another day in the lair, except for the fact that your boyfriend Raphael caught the stomach flu last night. Donatello called you earlier and asked you if you could pick up a few things for him. You went to the nearest store to get some lemon-lime soda, crackers, Jell-O, and some medicine. As soon as you arrived you noticed Leonardo was sitting in the living room reading a comic while Donatello was typing away on his laptop. The two turtles stopped what they were doing and looked up as saw you enter the living room with a tote bag.

"Hi _____," Leonardo greeted.

Donatello smiled, "Hey _____, did you get the stuff Raph needs?"

"I sure did," you nodded, "By the way how long has Raph been feeling like this?"

"Since about three in the morning," Donatello replied.

You winced, "Ouch."

"Yeah, and his fever did make him a little woozy," Leonardo mentioned.

"Do you guys know where Raph is now?" You asked.

"He's in the bathroom," Donatello replied as he pointed over to where his brother was.

"Ok, thanks I just to put all this away first," you replied before you headed for the kitchen.

You set the bag down in the kitchen then proceeded to put the soda and Jell-O in the fridge and the crackers in the cupboard. You took the medicine with you and headed for the bathroom. When you got there, Michelangelo was standing outside the bathroom door holding a large pot of soup in one arm and a large spoon. When Raphael opened the door, he was a bit surprised to see you standing there. You noticed he had his mask on even though he wasn't feeling well.

"Hey Raph, how are you feeling?" You asked.

"A little bit better I guess," Raphael replied.

"In that case, how about some of my famous pizza noodle soup?" Michelangelo asked while presenting him with a large spoonful of the soup.

Raphael covered his mouth with one hand and shut the door. You and Michelangelo both heard him retching from the other side making you both wince.

"You don't think it's the soup is it?" Michelangelo asked looking down at the soup.

"Oh no Mikey I just don't think your soup is the best thing for his stomach right now. Maybe later when he's feeling better," you said reassuring the youngest turtle.

"Oh ok," Michelangelo beamed before he left.

You knew he was trying to help his big brother feel better, but you had a feeling Michelangelo's cooking wasn't going to help him at the moment. A few minutes later, Raphael came out of the bathroom. He looked pretty tired and his face was slightly pale.

"You alright?" You asked.

He wiped his nose, "Yeah, for now."

"Come on, let's get you to bed."

You ushered Raphael back to his room, had him lay down in bed, and set the medicine on the side table. Raphael shivered and wrapped himself in his tiger blanket. You knew how he felt, one moment you're cold then you feel like your burning up and overwhelmed with the feeling of nausea. Then you start throwing up almost every hour of the day and you thought you were going to die. At least it lasts a day or so then it's over and done. You gently placed your hand on his forehead, it felt warm and moist with sweat.

"Ok, you wait here while I go get a few things," you said, Raphael just groaned in response.

You left his room and went to the kitchen for a glass of water and a washcloth. You grabbed a glass from the cupboard filled it with cold water and grabbed a washcloth from the drawer. Moments later, Master Splinter walked into the kitchen and saw you standing in front the sink.

"How is Raphael doing?" He asked.

"He just got done throwing up and now he's just laying down in his room," you replied as you soaked the cloth under the faucet.

"He should be feeling better by tomorrow but for now he needs his rest. But I can see he is in good hands."

You blushed slightly, "Yeah, you can say that."

"If you need anything, I will be in the dojo," Master Splinter said and left for the dojo. You returned to Raphael's room with the stuff and set it on the nightstand, then you sat yourself on the side of the bed.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Tired, gross, the usual," Raphael mumbled.

"Here, at least drink some water you need to stay hydrated."

Raphael sat himself up and took a few small sips then he lied back down. A moment later, you felt his forehead and it felt moist. You took the damp washcloth, wiped his forehead, and set it aside on the end table. Then Raphael turned to his side and wrapped an arm around you pulling you closer.


"I'm cold," he mumbled.

You smiled and laid yourself down beside him while wrapping an arm around his shoulders and snuggled against him. His head rested beneath your chin and buried his face into the crook of your neck. At some point, Raphael fell asleep still holding on to you. You smiled and stroked his head, his fever seems to have gone down but he still needs to recover. You tried to carefully move yourself without waking him but he stirred and opened his eyes.

"______," Raphael said groggily.



You smiled, "No problem Raph, how are you feeling now?"

"A little bit better I guess."

"Do you think you could stomach some food? I brought some Jell-O, crackers, and some soda if you're interested."

"I'll give it a try."

"You wait right here," you said but before you could get up Raphael pulled you back close to himself.

"I want you to stay here," he mumbled.

You couldn't help but smile, "How about this, you have a little bite to eat first and then we'll continue cuddling?"

"Alright but hurry back."

You got up and went for the kitchen, you picked out a small helping of crackers and a cup of soda with some ice. You came back to his room, Raphael sat up and he nibbled a couple of crackers and took a few small sips of soda. After eating, he lied back down while you took the spot beside him and you two cuddled for rest of the afternoon. At around early evening, you decided it was for you to go home and you'll check in on Raphael the tomorrow morning. The next day, you received a call from your boyfriend sounding like his old self again.

"Hi Raph, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better today then I was yesterday," Raphael replied, "And I just wanted to say thanks again for coming over, it really helped."

"Well, maybe when I'm not feeling so well, would you come over and take care of me?"

Raphael flustered a little, "Umm sure I would, I mean you did the same for me."

"Aww," you smiled.

"Anyway I was wondering, do you want to do something? Maybe this weekend?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

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