I'm Sorry, Jake.

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I walk back onto the bus, slamming the door shut behind myself. My hair is wet and clinging to the back of my neck and face, uncomfortable and itchy. As I look up I see what has to be the saddest sight I've ever seen. Jake is standing in the doorway of the bunk room, holding onto the door frame as if he might fall over. Avery has detached herself from Ashley and is standing beside the kitchen island, arms wrapped around her stomach. Ashley is standing behind her, looking at the floor.

"Is everything okay?" Avery asks. Her voice is small and she seems ten times tinier than she ever has before. I used to see her as someone who was strong enough to carry the world on her shoulders - someone who could brave anything. Now, dressed in Ashley's swea pants and hoodie that are five sizes too big and her hair in a messy bun with stray strands falling here and there, I realize just how breakable she is. Avery may want to appear strong but she's just as fragile as the rest of us - maybe even more so. I'm instantly over come with the want to hold her and protect her. Damn Andy to Hell for all that he's done to us - damn him straight to Hell.

"Yes and no," I say, my voice surprisingly calm. I try my best to smoothe my features into a mask that will hide just how shaken up and pissed off I am. Andy's already hurt her - I can't do the same.

"What happened?" she asks, taking a small step forward. I sigh, looking down at the ground.

"I'm finishing out the tour," I say slowly. "And then I'm gone."

"What?" Ashley's eyes snap to my face. Jake gasps and Avery freezes, her body going rigid.

"He kicked you out?" Jake asks. I sigh.

"Sort of," I chew on my bottom lip. "He sort of kicked me out and I sort of quit at the same time."

"He can't do that!" Jake looks at Ashley. "Andy can't do that, right?"

"He is the front man of the band, Jake," Ashley sighs. "And the founder. He can do whatever the Hell he wants and none of us can have a say in it."

"Jake, it's fine," I say. "It was my decision in the end. Andy said he never needed me, so I told him I didn't need this. I'm finishing out the tour and then that will be the end of it. I'm sure he's already on the phone, finding a replacement for me for Warped or something."

"Fuck everything!" Jake yells. All of us stop and stare at him, eyes wide open. "This is so fucked up! He can't do this to us! We're a band - we're the only things keeping some kids alive. We've changed their lives, given them something to believe in! They need us, all of us. What would we be without the Destroyer? CC you can't let him do that."

"It's already been done, Jake," I sigh. "I'm sor-"

"No," Jake shakes his head at me. "Don't you dare say you're sorry because you're not. No one ever is. None of you care. This is just a job to you, isn't it? Waking up, meeting the fans, playing on your drums - this is all a job to you. Do you believe in anything that we stand for? We tell those kids to stand together, to fight against anyone who tells them they can't be themselves, to be an army. We command the Black Veil Brides Army, CC. Does that mean anything to you?"

Jake's chest is rising and falling rapidly with every breath he takes. My heart crumbles in my chest. I know he's right, I know he is. My bones feel like they've turned to jelly, my heart skips a beat in my chest.

"I'm sorry, Jake," I whisper. "There's just nothing I can do."

"Damn you," Jake whispers back. "Damn you and Andy. You're just as bad as he is."

And with that, Jake storms back into the bunk room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Avery's POV

The room is spinning and I can't see straight. I think I'm going to pass out. CC is leaving and Jake is mad. Andy hates all of us and Ashley blames himself. I'm single handedly tearing this band apart, member by member. All of this is my fault.

"CC?" I whisper his name, afriad to speak. CC looks up at me, his eyes sad. I take a step back, scared to approach him. He surely hates me too.

"It's okay," he says, opening up his arms. "I'm not mad."

"CC, I'm so sorry," I mumble right as I burst into tears. I fling myself into his arms and he holds me tight, rocking me back and forth. I cry against his chest, his damp white t-shirt soaking up all of my tears.

"Don't be," he whispers against the crown of my head. He smoothes out my hair and places a gentle kiss on my forehead. "If this is how Andy really feels, it would have come out eventually. He's been getting more and more angry the past few months, it was only a matter of time. You've done nothing wrong."

"It wouldn't have happened now," I say. "It would have happened later."

"Exactly," he says. "But I'm happy it happened now. Now I know where I stand with him."

"But, I-" I start to talk but CC smiles, a genuine smile that reaches his eyes making them sparkle a little bit.

"Everything will be fine," CC says. "I'll finish out the tour and then I'll be heading back to LA. You'll always be able to keep in touch with me, Ave, I promise. Just because my time with the band will have ended doesn't mean the friendships won't. You'll always have me - you'll always have all of us. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make sure Jake doesn't destroy my bunk to get back at me."

CC places another kiss onto my forehead and then walks towards the bunks. After a quick knock he opens the door and then steps inside, closing it again. The bus falls silent. Two strong arms wrap around me and I turn around, leaning into Ashley's embrace.

"Ash?" I whisper his name into his bare chest.

"Yeah?" He asks, his voice muffled by my hair as he kisses the crown of my head.

"I want to go back to your apartment," I say. "As soon as possible."

DUN DUN DUNN. Do you guys think Ashley and the rest of the guys will let her leave? What about Andy? D:

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