10 !Isaac's POV!

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// okay so Isaac in very different from Vincent. He is more mature. *hides* //

Isaac's hand gently rubs Skyler's back slowly to give this broken young man some comfort in his sleep. The sleep that had been inevitable after this beautiful boy had let go and given in to his emotional agony.

It was not just grief. The boy had been in agony. Isaac could see it in his perfect blue eyes and hear it in his broken sobs. Could feel it in the way his body shook uncontrollably in his arms.

Could feel it in his own chest as he felt his heart break for the lost hurting young man in his arms.

He had not been ready for this. Usually Isaac was one of the most unflappable Doms in The Room. But this... this had shaken the man. Not because he was frightened or uncomfortable or because he felt helpless. Because he felt none of those things. No.

He was in control the entire time the second after the first tear had welled up and spilled from Skyler's gorgeous blue pain filled eyes. Isaac recognized true grief. He had seen and gone through it.

He knew what Skyler had needed. And he gave him what he needed. Holding him. Caressing him soothing him. Trying to convince the boy that there was nothing he could have done. Relieving him of his guilt and his loneliness and being the one to be strong as he let go of his own strength and finally let his pain spill out of him in the form of agonized sobs and tears.

It had hurt. Isaac felt his chest clench and his own heart squeeze to the point of pain as Skyler broke in his arms. He held him to his chest and rocked him and spoke calming words into his soft white hair. He held him tight as the sobs shook his body.

The pain this broken boy held... Isaac knew that he needed to let it go. To move on. This had been a painful but necessary step into healing.

He had felt protective of him before but now... Now he wanted to find a way to help him heal. He wanted to take him into his care and bright light and happiness back to this gorgeous boys life.

Isaac was a patient man. More patient than most. He had known there had been something weighing this boy down. He had seen it in his eyes. He had felt it in his timidity to get to close.

The only times he had seen those eyes fille with the relief of freedom from pain or worry was when this beautiful sub had been flying high while under his command.

Now sitting on the couch in the cool down room he felt the boy sleeping in his lap curled up against his chest. Finally. He needed this. He needed to have this breakthrough.

Isaac was proud that he had been strong enough to do it infront of them.

Isaac's steely blue gaze lifts to meet Vincent's deep blue depths.

The man was on the edge. Balancing on the precipice of that hard control. Isaac was not shocked to see how deeply Vincent was affected by witnessing Skyler's emotional breakthrough.

What did shock him, was seeing the barely restrained need in the younger Dom's eyes. The need to comfort Skyler. Isaac had known Vincent for over 10 years. The stoic man before him was not usually so overcome with emotion. Isaac saw rage and frustration and jealousy and sympathy and desire in Vincent's eyes.

He watched him turn away hiding those emotions he was trying to control like a rabid dog on a choke chain.

Isaac could not remember the last time he had seen Vincent passionate like this, and it be directed at a person.

When Isaac watched as Vincent brought the blanket over and so very carefully lay it over the sleeping exhausted boy and then reach out.

Isaac watched Vincent's face as the mans hand hovered just over Skyler's shock of soft platinum blonde hair, then slowly those fingers curled and Vincent retreated back to sit opposite them on another couch.

Isaac felt a pang of sympathy for the younger Dom that was his friend and pupil when he had begun his journey into this lifestyle.

The soft young Pup had broken through Vincent's walls without even trying. The man sat there staring at boy in his arms as if he could will him to be happy again.

Isaac let his lips turn down and his brows slowly furrow. He already felt the loss.

Sighing he looked down at the beautiful pup in his arms and he continued to gently caress his back. He would heal. He would become whole. Skyler would be happy again. With time and help he would be a fulfilled and happy man again.

And he would be a perfect submissive. One that would make any Dom proud to call his.

Reaching up slowly he caressed his pale cheek with the back of his fingers. So soft. So warm. Isaac had wanted him. Still wanted him. And if he was what Skyler needed he would gladly step up to become his Potential Dom.

But sometimes... Sometimes it is not just about wanting the perfect sub for your own. Sometimes it is about seeing and recognizing the fact that a sub might just do more than make a Dom happy and proud. A submissive might inspire a Dominant to become better than they were before. They might even inspire a Dom to become the best of themselves.

Isaac saw the potential in Skyler. The potential that might make Vincent-not change who he is- but become better. Perhaps Skyler was what Vincent didn't even realize he needed.

Isaac is a patient man. A very patient man. He would wait. He would see if this was true. He would do whatever was needed to help Skyler. Watching Vincent and figuring out if perhaps this soft sweet pup was what he needed.

And if there was a chance that he could give Skyler what he needed then Isaac would keep him. He let his fingers gently caress Skyler's cheek and felt his breath tickle across his knuckles as he turned into the soft touch seeking more.

Such a soft beautiful pup. If Isaac wasn't such a patient man he might have been tempted to steal a kiss from the sleeping boy. But he would wait. And see if he could taste and sample those soft pink lips for himself soon enough.

Skyler smelled sweet. Like soft warm honey and vanilla. So sweet. Temptation to any man with a deep and lasting hunger.

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