3 Sensory/Sensation play

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Chapter 3 Seductive Sensations

He made it home just fine. He paid the cabby and went straight to bed. And slept for almost 20 hours. He downright enjoyed finally being able to rest completely.

All the stress and worry gone. He finally got up and around and showered and ready to go get his car. His beloved powder blue jeep. Yes it was old and kind of bulky for someone so small but it was his first car and he was going to stick with it until it quit on him.

Until then he would drive that monster into the ground.

Getting into another cab he headed to the club. The Room.

When he arrived he gave the cabby his money and was planning on just going into the parking lot to grab his jeep but then he saw the Bartender from the night before out for a smoke break. "Hey there cutie! You back to come see Master Vincent again?" The bartender waived him over.

"Oh. Well actually I just came for my Jeep in the back. I left it here last night." Skyler shrugged and felt a bit embarrassed that a simple short flogging scene had done him in so easily.

"You must have really enjoyed Master Vincent for him to have to call you a cab. Are you limping?" The bartender winked at him.

"What no. No it wasn't like that." Skyler tried to explain but the hyper bartender just pushed on through.

"Well he's here tonight! Maybe you can take another crack at him. I am Danny by the way." They shook hands and Skyler chuckled.

"Come on it's a good crowd tonight." Danny practically dragged Skyler into the club and the music was thrumming through the air and people were dancing and having a good time.

Skyler smiled and laughed at something Danny was saying about his cherry stem trick and not being able to get it right ever since he saw him do it. "I thought that was a made up thing. You totally gotta teach me it."

"He must have one talented tongue." Said a deep familiar voice from behind them. Master Isaac was smiling good naturedly. "Good to see you again Pup. Vincent was worried that you had abandoned your car."

Skyler shook his head and smiled a small warm covering his cheeks. "No I was just coming to get it when Danny brought me in. I didn't want to bother anyone while I went and got it."

"You are just in time for some demonstrations in the main room. You should come watch." Isaac waited to see what he would do in response. His dark eyes watching him patiently.

Skyler looked between the dancefloor and the door and then back to Isaac. "I guess it wouldn't hurt Sir."

Isaac smiled and lead him into the main room where a rope demonstration was being shown by a Dom and a Submissive. It was Vincent and another Submissive.

Skyler didn't feel jealous. He knew he had no claim on the kind man. He actually smiled and stood back near the wall and watched as Vincent was going over how to make sure all the rope work was safe. Two fingers between the rope and the skin should be easy. Never around the neck if you are doing suspension. Proper weight distribution for suspension so the Sub feels no pain and can feel that weightless feeling.

Vincent went over the types of rope to use for different reasons. What marks would be left over after each. And the safe time limits to suspension especially if the Sub is upside down or in a certain position for a long time.

He also went over how to properly release the ropes and the sub and some good tips for aftercare. The one time Vincent raised his voice was to growl at the audience. "Never ever leave your sub Unattended if they are in any bondage situation, and definitely never leave them unattended if suspended. It is dangerous and could severely injure or even kill a submissive if there is an accident while you are away."

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