5 Wounds Secrets and one last Order

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Randy had taken him home last night and gotten a cab and took off. 

So thankfully he had his jeep today. That, of course was not the first thought when he woke up. Nope.

The first two thoughts when he woke up in his soft warm bed under a mountain of blankets, was of two sentences.

Are you worried I would take you home and devour your sweet body Puppy?

So damn tempting, go home little one.

Shivers bothered him and made him frown into his pillow. Damn. He needed to stop thinking about it.

He was sated. More than he had been in a couple of years. He might have a small problem of being... well, attracted to the Doms that he had entrusted his body and submission to.

But his body felt more than satisfied. He felt back in control for the moment. He felt good.

Yes his thighs and chest still sting from the skin that had been heated by the wax. But it was a good kind of sore. The kind that made him groan and smile softly as he made moved around.

He knew one thing for certain. He was going to stay away from the club for a few days. Or nights or whatever. He was clear headed and intended to stay that way.

When he was showered and dressed and drinking coffee that tasted sweet like caramel he heard his phone going off.

Slipping his hand into his pocket and bringing it up he swipes his finger over the screen and sees its Monroe. Frowning down at the screen he sighs and answers it. "Cole is there something wrong?"

Cole Monroe's rough and tired voice came over the line. Grating across the air in almost a growl that was his actual natural voice. "I just wanted to inform you that Ava and Duke are looking for you."

Skyler's eyes close and he feels that hollow ache inside cut sharp and clear through him. "Are they getting close? Do I need to make arangements?"

Cole's voice scoffed over the line "They are running around like chickens with their head's cut off. Don't worry Sky. You're good."

Rubbing his fingers over his shock of white hair he sighs. "That is what you said last time... It didn't take them long. Can you monitor them?" Skyler asked in what he knew was a tired voice.

"I don't see why you let them do this to you kid. Henry wouldn't want-" Cole was trying to get through to him again.

"No Cole... Don't. I am not going to go back against his last commands. I told you I wont have this conversation again." Skyler leaned against the wall and tried his best not to think of the letter. That damned letter.

"He didn't realize what it would mean Skyler. You have to see that! He would never have wanted you to-" Cole was stubborn. As Henry's oldest friends and Lawyer he couldn't do anything to help Skyler unless the young man let him.

"No Cole. Just let it go. Its only 7 more years." Sky just shook his head and wouldn't let Cole try to push this issue. In 7 years every thing would come to light and the ones that mattered... it would all work out.

"7 years is a long time to hold that title Skyler. To be wrongly accused. To have no one know the truth." Cole growled in frustration at the young man.

It was a long time. 2 years already felt like for ever. What would 7 years feel like. Eternity? "Henry was clear in his last wishes. I wont go against them. I wont fail him. And besides... You know the truth." Skyler gave a small smirk over the phone.

"Yes Skyler. I always knew you were not a gold digger or a black widow or whatever they call you. I know for a fact that you loved Henry and didn't give a damn about his money. I know you loved his nephew and niece like they were your own kids and that if you could give every cent to them right now you would." Cole groused into the phone. "I know that everyone turning against you when he... when he passed nearly killed you. I know that is why you keep moving... so that Ava and Duke cant turn anyone else against you... I know that you are alone. I know that Henry would damn well be spitting mad if he knew you were letting them push you around and you just rolled over and took it."

Skyler threw the mug and it shattered. "I WILL NOT DISOBEY HIS LAST ORDER!" He yelled into the phone. "Master doesn't want anyone other than you and I to know about the trust funds for Blake and Salina! Not until they are 18! Ava and Duke will find a way to drain them and they wont see a dime of it! Master wants his niece and nephew to be taken care of for the rest of their lives! In 7 years they will be! I don't care if his entire family turned on me! I don't care if every friend we had believes Ava's lies! I don't care! I wont disobey my Master! Ever!"

Tears roll down his cheeks and he is on his knees shaking and he just shakes his head. "I wont disobey. I will make him proud. I will keep his secret and I don't care what happens. I don't care what they call me. I don't care if I am alone. I don't care if I never get to see Blake and Salina's smiles again. As long as they are taken care of."

"Skyler! Skyler! It is okay please just calm down. I am sorry I upset you son. I know you make Henry proud. You always have and you always will. I just wish you didn't have to ostracize yourself to obey his last wishes..." Cole's voice was gentle now and filled with regret.

Skyler stayed on his knees and touched his neck missing his collar and missing the soft gentle reassuring touch of the man he loved more than life itself. Missing his Master. Missing his lover. Missing his husband. He would have known what to do. He was such a smart and kind man.

There was no way he would have believed that making Skyler keep the fact that he had trust funds set up for his niece and nephew would make everyone that ever accepted Skyler to turn their backs on him.

That every friend and family member now believed that Skyler had pushed Henry to sign over every penny to him in the case of his death... That most of them still think he did something to kill Henry. That they look at him with disgust and hatred...

No. Skyler knew Henry had believed his friends would stand by the young man he loved after his passing.

Skyler held the phone with shaking fingers and held onto the fact that he atleast had Cole. Cole knew the truth. Cole believed in him.

Skyler took a deep breath and wiped his face as he slowly got to his feet and leaned against the counter. "Im fine Cole... Ill talk to you later..." Hanging up the phone he rubbed his hands over his eyes and felt the small scar in his left eyebrow that was from the funeral when Henry's dead beat brother Duke had attacked him at his Sister Ava's insistence.

Leaning against the counter he hung his head and took a deep cleansing breath. "It's okay." He whispered. It was going to be okay. Closing his eyes he just focused on the memory of Henry smiling at him. It was worth it. It was all worth it.

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