6 Working the stress away... couple of reasons

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-- a couple of reasons are pictured above (you'll get it at the end) -- 

Skyler spent the day getting himself back under control. His emotions had overwhelmed him so he did what he knew would help him.

He volunteered at the local homeless shelter. He was smaller then most men but he knew the value of a good days work.

He threw himself into whatever they had needed help with. Which was a lot.

Skyler ended up cleaning the sleeping area. Which was a big gymnasium with lots of cots blankets and pillows. He swept and mopped the floors and then he ended up fixing some of the cots that were breaking down because of bad screws.

Then after he went into the kitchen and helped the other volunteers serve the dinner. Mashed potatoes and green beans and toast with some roasted meat. Tap water to drink.

Some of the vets that were there were young men. Fresh back from over seas. They all seemed to huddle over the same tables in the cafeteria. Loud noises made some of them jump or tense.

Skyler made a plan to find a local counselor and pay them to 'volunteer' their services to anyone that needed it here. Henry would have like that he thought.

Near the end of the dinner when he was washing up he felt much better. Hed done something good and hopefully some lives would be better for it.

One of the older men had reached out and patted his shoulder told him he was a good kid. The man had left a dirty smear across his shirt from where he touched him. Sky didn't care. The man hadnt hurt him and he just smiled and told him to have a good night.

The other volunteers thanked him and he walked out the front doors and made his way down the steps to the sidewalk.


Fear made him jump and look around only to see Randy and Danny standing down the street.

His body relaxed in relief and he smiled and waived at them. They started walking toward him with worried looks. "Hi guys."

Danny was limping and looked like he was sore. "Hey man what are you up to?"

Shrugging because he didn't want to say he was volunteering. That would defeat the purpose. "Not much. What about you guys?"

Randy looked from the building to Skyler and frowned. "We were checking out a tattoo shop. It's just down the street. The guy there is pretty talented."

Skyler nodded. "I've never gotten a tattoo before. But maybe someday. Did you find anything good?"

Danny nodded and smirked "Oh yea. I just have to wait before I get it. It's a sweet looking set of wings."

"Hey you doing okay Skyler? You look kind of beat." Randy asked standing a bit closer.

Skyler spotted his reflection in a car window and saw that his hair was a mess and there was grime on his shirt and he had some dirt smudges on his face and arms. His jeans also had some small stains. He frowned and then looked back. "Yeah I was just doing some work. Im good."

Randy reached out and touched his shoulder. "Listen if you need a job or a place to stay-"

"What?" Skyler blinked and then realized that Randy thought he was down on his luck. "Oh no. No Randy I am good. No I was... I was just volunteering Randy. Its nothing."

Randy nodded looking hesitant. "Okay... If youre sure you are okay."

Skyler blushed and stood straighter. "Believe me I am fine. How is the club life going for you guys?" Skyler asked wanting to switch topics.

Danny groaned. "Oh man I have to bow out tonight after Master Vincent took me apart last night there is no way I can play for a few days. I can barely freaking walk." Danny stretched a bit groaning.

Skyler blushed deeply and looked him over realizing that there were bite marks over Danny's neck. "Oh uh. Are you okay?"

"Better than okay. It was amazeballs. He just wore me out." Danny smiled and shrugged.

Randy smirked watching them both and shaking his head. "You should come and hang with us tonight Sky. We are dancing since Danny is bowing out of the playrooms. I have to keep him company. So you should come too."

Skyler felt heat crawl up his neck. "I uh... Yeah no I cant. Not tonight. Maybe Friday. I have some stuff I need to do."

"You sure youre not hiding?" Randy winked at him and Danny looked confused.

Skyler frowned at him and shook his head. "I am not hiding. There is nothing to hide from."

"Oh really. Im pretty sure there are a couple of things you could be hiding from." Randy chuckled and nudged him.

Rolling his eyes he walked off waiving. "Bye you two."

"See you Friday Sky!" Randy sing songed at him as he and Danny walked the other way.

Skyler was blushing thinking of what Randy had said.

Was he hiding? No. He wasn't.

... He wasn't hiding damnit. He just needed a break. There was no reason to hide.


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