Later In Time

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4 years have passed since all that happened and now I'm 20. Brianna moved back, Brandon and I got married, and we have a little girl named Ava. She's 1.

"Brandon, can you please come down?" I called.

"Nah, I'm good." He yelled back.

"Hey Brandon, get your ass up and talk to my sister! If you keep yelling you'll wake up Ava!" Brianna yelled.

Despite the 14 year old, who isn't allowed to curse, I started to laugh. I heard Brandon chastise her for the cuss and he hopped down from the steps.

"What? I was sleeping. Ava's not the only one who needs it."

"I need you to go to the corner store and grab milk." I opened the fridge to show him that we did not, in fact, have milk.

"But Nikki," he whined "why don't we both go upstairs and sleep. That would be nice for the both of us, hm?" He laid his head on my shoulder and kissed it.

"Get the damn milk." He finally gave in and got his car keys. "Thank you," I cooed.

"Hn," he stuck out his tongue.

I love my new life here.

That's it folks! This officially ends the story itself. But don't worry, I will write DD one shots. Let me know if you have any ideas for a one shot. It can be connected to the story. I may even do some two shots for all I care. All the one shits are going to be a part of this book because I am to lazy to start a new book and I don't want you guys to waste your time trying to find it. Now story time!

I was going to Sams Club yesterday to get the new dork diaries book because it came out yesterday, AND THEY WERE SOLD OUT! EVERY DORK DIARIES BOOK! So I was geniunly pissed. Let me know if you guys got #dorkdiaries10 before I did.

Don't forget, let me know your ideas for the one shots.

And thank you all for staying to the end of my really crappy story.


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