Does My Past Define Who I Am?

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A/n: For some reason my Wattpad has been a little wacky so bear with me.

I slam the door in their faces. I can't do this right now. I don't want to do this right now.

"Nikki, open the door." It was a demand, from my mother. I chain locked the door incase they had a key.

"What do you want?" My voice was shaky and I pressed my shoulder to the door.

"Where is Brianna?" Thanks for caring enough to ask about my little sister when you left her.

"None of your business. Leave, before I call the authorities." Can I have one moment without having someone trying to hurt me? Please?

"Open the damn door!" At this point they were pounding on the door. I dove to the couch to grab my phone. Chloe and Zoey will be here soon, but they can't come right now. I'm afraid they will get hurt. Chloe picks up her phone the third ring.


"Chloe, I'm going to have to cancel tonight."

"What?! Why?"

"You just can't, okay?!"

"Nikki-" I hung up the phone before she could retort. I heard the doorknob start to shake.

"Nikkilette Jenay Maxwell! Open the door right this instant!"

"No! And you can't make me either!" I put my shoulder to the door. I know it's alredy locked, but I feel it will open if I don't apply more pressure.

I heard the chain on the door jingle.


The chain drops to the floor. I reach to the doorknob to lock the main lock. I was too late.

The slams open and my hair is pulled. Should I even care anymore? I stop resisting and they release their hold. My eyes go blank as the tears flow freely.

"Ungrateful brat. You should go to Hell." My 'father' started to snarl at me. Through the tears, I started to giggle. "What?"

"If I should go," I pulled my leg back, "you both should burn." I flipped over and kicked him in the face. He let's go of me and I punch my 'mother' in the face. While they are both distracted, I grab a roll of duct tape that was lying on the coffee table and bite off 2 pieces. I pull him to the ground and put one long piece of tape on his wrist then tape that to the coffee table's leg. I did the same to her.

Once done, I collapsed next to them. I got 2 smaller pieces to cover their mouths. I grabbed my phone and went outside to call the police. They said they would be here in a half hour and I closed my eyes.

"What the Hell?!" I snap my head around to see Brandon standing at the door. As I stared into his eyes, my lower lip started to quiver and tears streamed from my eyes once again. I ran over to him and embraced him like I haven't seen him in years. He slowly backed me out the door so we were outside. "What happened?"

I explain everything to him. The cops came shortly after and took my 'parents'. I stayed the night at Brandon's because I was too scared to be alone. I sat on the corner of his bed with my head down so my bangs covered my eyes. My hands in my lap. Brandon came up to me and held one of my hands.

"Oh no, where did all the years go And was it really worth all of this Heartache that was handed to me Holding on just don't make sense But the hardest part of letting go Is tryin' to find a way To let you know."

My lip is quiver a bit as I tighten my hold. He was singing to me.

"So we'll just cry, cry On each other's shoulders Cry until it's over Can't it just be over And we'll just cry, cry Cry until it's all gone Been holding on for too long Time for us to move on I'm tired of tryin' to find a reason why So let's just cry."

My eyes were starting to sting. I bit my lip to stop it from quivering.

"So let's just cry, cry On each other's shoulders Cry until it's over Can't it just be over And we'll just cry, cry Cry until it's all gone Been holding on for too long Time for us to move on And we'll just cry, cry On each other's shoulders Cry until it's over Can't it just be over And we'll just cry, cry Cry until it's all gone Been holding on for too long Time for us to move on I'm tired of tryin' to find a reason why I'm tired of tryin' to find a reason why I'm tired of tryin' to find a reason why So let's just cry."

At this point tears are flowing freely and my face is buried into Brandon's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I started to sob. We fell asleep in silence and each others arms.

A/n: Wattpad is being a bitch and I am sorry for the inconvenience. Also I was grounded... so yeah.

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