Chapter 1

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Joey's PoV

I woke up smiling. She had been in my dreams again. What more could I want than a wonderful girl like Laur... Wait! No! I opened my eyes and saw Mariah lying next to me. My girlfriend Mariah. That was not the first time I'd dreamt about Lauren but it vanished from my mind as soon as Mariah rolled over and gave me her morning smile, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Morning, love" I said to her.

"Good morning, my dear" she replied.

In that moment I was happy. Looking into her eyes filled me with joy and I could stay there forever. My trance was broken though when I heard my phone buzz. I reached behind me and grabbed it off the nightstand.

"Who is it?" Mariah asked.

"Meredith, she's just reminding me that we have Jaime's birthday extravaganza tonight."

"Oh I almost forgot! Yay Jaime is finally joining me at the ever so wonderful 28!"

"Wow you guys are so old!" I laughed.

"Oh shut up. Just because you're two years younger means nothing. If anything I'm just that much wiser than you."

"Whatever you say.. GRANDMA!"

She punched me playfully and then got out of bed to start getting ready for the day.

Lauren's Pov

"Oh Joey" I mumbled through a groggy grin. Shit! No! He is your friend. Your friend in a relationship. This is nothing! I laid there for a few more minutes until I heard my phone ping. I reached over to see who the text was from. It was Mere.

"Hey just reminding you that we have Jaime's big birthday extravaganza tonight over at Brolden's place! Come an hour early to help with the set up please! See you then!!!"

I texted back, "Sure thing, see you at 7 o'clock!"

Tonight is going to be so fun. Everyone is going to be there, which is so rare nowadays. The only people I see regularly are Julia, Mere, Bri, Jaime, Joe and... Joey. Joey and I have biweekly coffee dates to make sure we always have time together, even with everyone's hectic schedules. He's my best friend. I can't imagine my life without him.

***This was written in 2015 before Mariah Rose Faith was with Starkid. Mariah was just a random name at the time***

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