Chapter Eleven

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No matter the circumstance it is better to be in peace than at war.There had been chaos,hard feelings,malice and unrest at Mujaheed's house since the day the girls came back over two months ago. The girls tried their best to talk to Hasny but it all went into deaf ears. They finally gave up and decided to tell aunty Hanipha so that maybe she will hear her out and see to reason.

"Assalamu Alaikum aunty good evening "says Waheedah on the phone .she decided to call her because it will be so awkward to face her and tell her that Amina and Hasny are fighting over her son.

"wa alaikumussalam habibty Waheedah how are you doing ?"she asked cheerfully as always.It broke waheedah's heart to be the one that will tell her the sad news,but she has no choice.

"aunty ,there's something going on between Hasny and Waheedah for a while now ,and I am very sorry for not telling you .I thought it is not necessary but now I realised my mistake and I am ready to tell you everything"she blurted out.Hanipha encouraged her to go on and she told her everything right from the first day .

"I am really disappointed in Hasny and I am glad you told me this,how could she do such a thing to an innocent person like Amina ?even Fahad had been complaining that she has been following him around and flirting .I didn't believe him saying she couldn't do such a thing but now I know better" says Hanipha with a disappointed tune. She promised to speak to both of them and see if she will succeed.

Two days later,she summoned them separately to meet her after asr prayer. Since they are not on talking terms they didn't go together. Amina went first because she don't Want an encounter with feisty Hasny .

"As you all know I am like a mother to both of you, whatever happens to you affects me too and I am disappointed that such kind of thing will make you fight to this extent .I am not taking sides but telling you the truth "Hanipha stated as soon as they all settled down in the living room.

"Aunty ,you don't understand and you never will.Just let us be and stop poking your nose in our affairs ,you're not my mother and you'll never be except if you let me marry your son" Hasny shouted on top of her voice.They all looked at her mouth agape, shocked that she'll go to such extent . Amina stood up and slapped her hard on the face.

"How could you? I thought this is between us and I was thinking that you'll come around ,but you've gone too far and I will not sit back and watch you disobey aunty Hanipha because she is not your mate and she's right!she's old enough to be your mother .Just shut it and stop this nonsense.I love you like a sister just don't let me hate you" Hasny cupped her cheeks stunned that Amina actually slapped her,she slumped down on her seat.

" I am sorry aunty ,in shaa Allah we will settle our differences don't worry too much and please don't mind Hasny's uncalled behavior she'll come around soon" Amina says respectfully with a soothing voice of someone trying to comfort.

"No! I am not going to let you guys leave like this ,you have to settle this dispute today "retorted Hanipha with determination . Amina nodded and motioned Hanipha to give them a minute.

"Assalamu alaikum,I am sorry I slapped you ,I don't have the right to do that and I am sorry but you shouldn't have done what you did and it is so unlike you it is totally not you" Says Amina .

"I am really sorry Amina ,I don't know what got into me and I can't stop myself .I should be happy for you and be a good friend but something happened while we were on holiday ,Afra called and blackmailed me with money ,that I should cause chaos among us.And I seized the opportunity when you told us about Fahad ,I don't even like him am just faking it and I am really sorry ,I know that you'll not forgive me but I will keep trying to earn your trust and forgiveness because I am a very bad person " Hasny broke down in tears.

They all kept quite for a while ,Amina trying to comprehend what Hasny told her. She found it hard to believe what she just heard.

" To tell you that I'm disappointed is a huge understatement but shit happens, I hope you will not repeat what you've done again.I will tell aunty what happened but not the girls because they will not trust you again" Says Amina after some time .

"Thanks " says Hasny looking embarrassed .

Amina told Hanipha what happened and she was also surprised they forgave each other and went back home smiling ear to ear.Hasny felt uneasy but Amina encouraged her that everything is fine with her. She cried hard that night regretting what she had done to herself and the people that will do anything for her.What made her accept Afra's offer was lack of money for her sister's medical bills, she is suffering from cancer and no one apart from the family knows , her dad lost his job few months back and chemotherapy is expensive .She decided to ask for help or start some business to help her sister and vowed to never betray the people she love in the process.

Assalamu alaikum loves ,
Hope ya all doing great? I've missed you guys and I hope you enjoyed this chapter though I don't like it .It has been long since I write ,over a month I guess? But I promise I'll do better .

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