Chapter Eight

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Four months into the semester, it's finally time for exams. The girls were busy preparing for the exams. Going for tutorial classes,studying extra hard and researching.

"Assalamu alaikum pumpkins,I'm wishing us all the very best of luck in our exams .In shaa Allah we will pass with flying colours" Waheedah says as they were on their way to school .

"Ameen !thanks hun"they all said in unison.

After their morning paper, they went to the library to brush through the other course they are going to write exams on in the evening .

"Hey Amina,I just feel like visiting Mufeedah after the exams what do you say?"Hasny asked as they were walking out of the library to their various exams hall .

"No dear,I don't think it is a good idea,besides she's also writing exams. Why don't we wait till after exams before you guys leave for holidays?"reasoned Amina. Hasny kept quite for a long time trying to see reason to what Amina said. After a while she sighed and nodded in agreement.

The girls spent two weeks writing exams and studying hard for each paper ,hoping to get good grades .Today happens to be the final day of their examination and they were all very excited except Amina who's sad because they'll all go back to their families and leave her alone and bored .she had gotten close to all of them and she shares a very special bound with Waheedah to the extent that Hasny calls them incompatible twins to their amusement and her annoyance.

Hasny makes her very happy,she is lively, funny,kind ,outgoing and annoying in a special way .Aisha also plays a special role in her life,always lending her ears to hear her troubles, fears and dreams, giving her the shoulders to cry on and being nice kind caring and helpful. Kubrah being the eldest and big sister,plays another vital role in correcting her mistakes and showing her so many things that'll make her a better person, tutoring her in some Islamic books ,hadiths of the prophet ,Islamic history and the Quran .

"Home sweet home no place like home,I'm missing the love at home" Hasny sang out loud as she was packing her clothes in a traveling bag while the others were playing games shouting ,yelling and throwing pillows at each other .Hasny shook her head and stared at them all looking happy with no care in the world .she's going to miss them all so very much there's no dispute to that fact .she thought of how at the beginning they were all strangers even though they are one way or the other related by blood and now they've become very close with so many beautiful memories that'll remain indelible in their hearts forever. She don't know when or how it started but one thing for sure is that she love them all and can't imagine a life without her dearest four cute darlings .she smiled and joined them forgetting about packing her clothes and trying to make use of the little time she has to be with her sisters and friends before they retire for the night which she's not sure of because they are all very excited to sleep .

"I can't believe the semester is over and you guys will be going home tomorrow. I wish I can make you stay but I can't because I promised your parents that you'll be coming home for every holiday " uncle mujaheed said as he came into their rooms to bid them farewell and safe journey. He told them that he took care of their flight fees and he has credited their accounts with some money as a token of his appreciation for making his house lively and happy.

"Jazakallah khair uncle may Allah continue to guide and bless you " they all said in appreciation of what he has done. Suddenly, Amina burst into tears ,they all turned their attention to her asking her what was wrong.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much" she said tearfully .they all looked sad and engulfed her in a warm group hug ,they all assured her that they'll be back soon before she even realised that they are gone and they are all going to miss her too.

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