Chapter Ten

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Finally, the holidays are over and Amina is bustling through the house ordering the maids cheerfully ,making sure that everything is in order because her dearest friends are coming back .she looks so happy and excited one will think she has not seen them in years,but who will blame her?they've totally changed her boring life to a lively one and coupled with the excitement of the hot news she want to share with them.

"Assalamu Alaikum Mufeedah I have already finished all the preparations and their flight will land in thirty minutes,I will be at your house in ten ,make sure you get ready before I come" says Amina on the phone while she wrapped her hijab and sprayed a strawberry scented cologne .

"Bye dad,I will pick Mufeedah then we will go to the airport "Amina shouted as loud as she can so that Mujaheed will hear her from his study where he is reading a newspaper and sipping tea.

"Alright habibty,drive safely and don't be over excited at the airport "he answered back not knowing that she has already left the house .
Knowing how eager Amina is,Mufeedah didn't waste time on make up,she even came out  of her house before Amina arrived.

"Ohh my God,ohh my God Mufeedah they are coming ,did you see how gorgeous they are all looking ?"Amina squelled excitedly while running towards the girls.As soon as they spotted Mufeedah and Amina running towards them with Mufeedah trailing behind with an amused smile they also ran towards them engulfing them in a group hug.They chatted excitedly on their way to the house but to their disappointment they had to drop Mufeedah at home because she has a family function to attend with her mom and siblings.

Mujaheed welcomed them happily while Afra kept sulking and answered their greetings with a disgusted face ,as usual they pretended as if they didn't notice.seeing how neat and organized their room is and the sumptuous meal they ate, they thanked Amina for her hard work.

At night,while all the girls got ready to sleep in their customized pajamas courtesy of Aisha's mum,Amina cleared her throat which turned their attention towards her.

"Girls, I wanted to tell you something but please it is between us ,I don't want aunty to know anything about it " she says and they all nodded in approval to show that they won't tell anyone.

"ahmm uh is about Fahad and I ,he has shown interest in me and dad said yes.He is really a nice guy and I like him too"she said and they all squelled in happiness except Hasny who looked as if she was given a news of death .knowing that she'll be the first to say something they all turned towards her and they were all surprised to see her in tears .

"What is wrong with you?"Kubrah asked her with concern.

"How could you do this to me Amina ?how could you like the person I love since the first day I have set my eyes on ?how could you do that to me???" She asked with a teary eyes. All the girls were shocked to hear such from her.

" I can't say I am sorry Hasny ,because I have done nothing wrong here,you didn't tell me that you love him nor anyone ,you kept it to yourself and even if you tell us ,Fahad don't like you at least not the way you like him,he likes me and I like him too.I'm sorry that you fell for a guy who's in love with me ,he makes me happy and I can't give him up for you because I know he will do the same.just learn to stop loving him though it will be hard,but it will get better with time."says Amina with a hurt voice.

"I am disappointed in you Hasny, I never thought you'll do such a thing to any one of us,I thought we are one but I was mistaken, even if you love Fahad why don't you bottle it in and be happy for Amina? Why don't you pray it is for the best he is not meant for you but your sister? Why don't you believe in destiny ???"Kubrah spats out angrily .

"Hmmm Hasny what you just said is not good and you have hurt Amina ,it wasn't her fault,even if he didn't propose ,you can't tell him how you feel and he'll never say he likes you because It is not meant to be .stop blaming Amina for what she has nothing to do with ,just be happy for her please"Aysha says calmly though anger and disappointment are evident in her voice  .

"This is not us ,this is not the five sweet ladies that I have come to love with all my heart ,this is not the kind of relationship I want us to have and this is totally not good,Hasny I know it hurts but please don't do anything childish ,what has happened has already been destined you girls should continue being the best of friends and keep no grudge against each other, it is none of your fault." Says Waheedah who is sitting next to Amina comforting her. Amina sighed out loud and reached to hug Hasny but to their surprise Hasny pushed Amina to the ground, hissed and left the room with a loud bang .mumbling "I won't let it go,I will jeopardize this relationship "

"Innalillahi wa innalillahi rajiun,Allahumma ajirni fi musibati wa aklifni khairan minha"Amina mutters with tears in her eyes,had she known that this is what will happen ,she won't have accepted Fahad in the first place because she don't want anything to come between her and any of them. They are like the blood sisters she never had.

"Take heart Amina, in shaa Allah she will come around ,just give her time to think things over ." advised Kubrah who looks worried because of the turn of events .With that they all went to sleep with heavy hearts and fear of what is to happen in the future,all of them except Hasny are happy for her because she deserves someone like Fahad who will make her happy and fill the void of her parents .They just prayed that Hasny will not do anything stupid .


Here's another update for you awesome readers .
Here comes the twist in the book. what do you think is going to happen next?I will love to hear your opinion please!
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