Chapter Two

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Things are going well mashaa Allah,the girls took their studies seriously. Uncle mujaheed assigned a driver that will be taking them to and from school.Within a week they have created a very strong relationship ,they eat together ,study together and laugh at their silly jokes and Hasny's antics.

"Assalamu alaikum babes! I just can't wait to come home and tell you guys the funniest and most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my entire seventeen years of life "Hasny gushed and the girls looked at her with amused faces, Aysha stiffled a laugh because she knows that Hasny is going to say something crazy. They all urged her to go on and tell them what happened at school.

"can you imagine?a girl in our class is celebrating her birthday and all her friends are wishing her happy birthday have a blast!a blast for Allah's sake !!is it that a bomb is going to blast today or something? Please explain this to me because am in a serious dilemma."they all burst into pit of laughter Waheedah clutching her stomach ,Amina laughing hysterically ,Aysha with tears in her eyes and Kubra rolling on the ground.

"Yahsalaam Hasny you never get tired do you? How on earth can you come up with such a thing?you are really something else I swear"Kubrah exclaimed and continued laughing.

"Don't blame me okay? Am just saying my mind,how can someone wish you to have a blast on your birthday? I dare anyone of you to tell me that,then I will show you my other side" She fumed dramatically.

" hahahaha very funny ,why didn't you major in drama ,because you will be a terrific actress" Amina asked and Hasny shot her a playful glare.

"Amina!Amina!!Amina!!come here right this instance"Aunty Afra bellowed from the living room.she had been angry at her husband because of the girls and now that she has no one to blame it on ,she called the poor girl to rain abuses on her as she usually do,the moment she heard her name being called with a very annoyed and loud voice she knows that something is up and aunty Afra will say hurtful words to her or worse slap her.Seeing the way she tensed before walking towards the door ,Hasny patted her back and gave her an encouraging smile.

"This woman is evil ,I wonder why such a nice man like uncle mujaheed will marry an evil witch like her ,poor Amina I wish we can help her"waheedah sadly stated, wishing she can go in Amina's stead.

"Do not bother yourselves about it,she has been torturing her for years without knowing that Allah is watching her and I'm sure she knows what she is getting herself into because it is not good in Islam to maltreat those under your care especially orphans.we should keep praying and avoid her because soon she will start taking out her anger on all of us."advised Kubrah.

"She's right girls,let us just ignore whatever she will do to us and pretend as if we are cool with it and please we should support and be there for Amina, I pity that girl"Aysha offered.

" hmmphhh..may Allah see us through " Hasny said with a sigh.

Amina went to meet Afra who is fuming with rage. She looks like she is about to strangle the poor soul.

"What the hell are you telling them?" She bellowed making her tremble in fright.

"Nothing aunt. We are talking about school. Hasny is telling us about what happened in her class" she explained. Trying to keep a distance between them before a slap landed on her face.

"Hypocrite! You're lying. I heard you telling them that am barren and can never bring a child into this world that's why you burst into a fit of giggles" She accused venomously.

"Billahi aunty we didn't say anything about or against you. No one mentioned your name here or at school. We were just talking and joking around. But am sorry if you feel like we are talking about you. I can never say such about you after all the things you've done for me. I have a roof over my head and an education because of you, I was able to eat three square meals a day. I will never be ungrateful to that extent. I am sorry" she sniffed and left a fuming Afra who knows deep inside that she's being unfair to Amina but she won't falter. She will keep making her life miserable.

Amina went back to the room she shares with Waheeda to cry to her heart's content. There is no getting used to being hurt. It doesn't matter for how long you've been listening to the accusing hurtful words. Every time they hit your ears, it will feel new, and make a new scar.

Seeing that it has been over an hour since Amina left Hasny's room, the girls went looking for her and if she's doing something, they decided to help her. The maids told them that she's in her room. They met her crouched on the floor, crying so hard they instantly feel pity for her.

"Subhanallah! What happened Roomy ? Who died? Why are you crying?" Waheedah asked, trying to lift up her head. Her face is bloated with red rimmed eyes.

Amina tried to offer them a weak fake smile nodding her head in the negative.

"I am fine" she said, wiping her eyes trying to dodge their inquisitive eyes.

"No one cries this much when they are fine. People don't cry for the heck of it dear. We understand if you don't want to share it with us but please stop crying or you will get a headache. Allah is with you. Never forget that" Aisha consoled and the rest joined in trying to cheer her up.

In a matter minutes, they succeeded in cheering her up.

"Thank you guys. You're indeed blessings to me. Nagode" They waved her off and proceeded to eat lunch in the same large tray.

"I'd have bought Ice cream for you if I have the money. But don't worry, when I receive alert you'll get a tub" Hasny said.

"Yen yen yen. We all know that you have the means to buy it for her. You're just being stingy which is understandable considering the fact that you're You" Kubrah teased giving her a playful glare.

They nattered away happily until Amina forgot about Afra's hurtful words. Each left to do one thing or the other before maghrib.


Hope you're enjoying it? I will try to keep it short to avoid confusion and late updates.


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