"Special Delivery pt.2".

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I Opened the house door, I saw the kids on the couch curled up together with there pajamas and blankets, they were watching there favorite movie, "Space Jam". "Hey babies, were mommy?". "Shower". all 3 of em said. i walked upstairs, i plopped myself on the bed, taking off my shoes, they hurt after a while, i undid my tie, and took off my suit.  I was in my boxers on my phone until i saw jada in the doorway, her stomach got a little bigger, she was already what like 8 months pregnant. She was glowing. Her smile was too. "Hey Jacob Papi i missed you!". She said as she sat on my lap, i gave her a kiss, but she transformed it into something more, as i layed her down i kissed her stomach, "Hey baby, im not sure what you are yet, cuz i don't really want to know, but, you have your brother and sisters waiting for you, im waiting too," Jada smiled at me hard. "And so is Mommy.." i added. i gave jada a kiss, "Mmm...you smell good mami". "Thanks Jacob, its this new victoria secret perfume and lotion called pure seduction". I chuckled, "Its Working!!!". i playfully screamed. i flipped jada over, leaving her laying on my arm, i played with her hair, as i started to talk to her jada sat up quick, "Jada baby whats wrong?". "Jacob, My water just broke!!!". "U kidding me??". jada put on her shoes as i quickly threw on my sweatsuit with some Jordans. i grabbed luv's and jewel's Jordan valentines day 5's and grabbed Tris his new galaxy print jordans, i ran downstairs as jada followed, "Here U Guys put your shoes on! your mothers bout to have the baby!". "Yay!!". they all screamed as they shoved on there shoes, i rushed them into the car, i arrived at the hospital in 13 minutes.  i heard jada breath in and out, she wasn't yelling at me, but if thats what it took for her not to, she needa keep doing it. We rushed in the door, they put her in a wheelchair like b4, and they took her into the room.

*1 Hour Later*

i quietly went out in the waiting room to the kids, "Come guys! the baby is born now! but u have to be quiet cuz mommy is very tired". i whsipered, they all followed me into her room, i carefully picked up my beautiful curly headed newBorn son, he was covered in his deilevery blankets, with a cute little blue sleeper with duckies on it. "Awwww He's So Cute Mommy whats his name?". "Johnathan Jeremiah Perez❤". .......................................

❤ℬℓὲὲ∂ῐἡḡ ℒℴṽἑ❤(A Sequel to "Love & War")Where stories live. Discover now