15. Death (Part 2)

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Your body kept shaking. And you didn't know why exactly. Tori and Yuma didn't notice your discomfort, they were focused on the duel unfolding in front of them. Alito and Girag were going all out in their duel. You watched as well, but with a blank look in your eyes.

"Something, something is going to happen. Something terrible." Despite the two of your friends watching the duel, Astral took notice of your state. He floated over to you.

"(Y/n), you haven't been yourself lately. Is there something troubling you? Perhaps something overwhelming." He questioned.

"Well there's no point in lying to you Astral." You raised your head. "My mind keeps telling me these...things. Awful things, almost like a warning."

"Warning? About what?"

"I'm not sure myself. But I do know this." You hesitated before speaking again. "Someone will, or maybe they already have, died." The last part came out as a feeble whisper.

"Died?" Even Astral was surprised to hear that word leave your mouth. You nodded.

"Or it could be that my mind is just playing games with me so...."

Astral returned back to his calm self. You had lowered your head once more. Almost feeling guilty for saying such things. "(Y/n), from what I know you have been through many difficult situations."


"Yes, mainly from, Vector." You shuddered a little. "So I can see that even now your having troubling thoughts."

"How could you possibly know all that?" Astral turned back at Yuma, then to you.

"Because your friends worry for you. They care for you." He moved slightly to the side to let you see Yuma and Tori. "And also, you're very important." You blinked.

"How am I important?"

"That is one question I have yet to figure out. But it seems they have already found the answer."

"They..." You remembered when Yuma had that small conversation with you. Back before you had arrived here. He reassured you that you'd be okay, and that Vector could and will be saved. It was, calming.



"Do you believe I could help in this situation?" He opened his mouth for a split second. Then smiled.

"Yes, I truly believe you can. But first you must stand tall and face reality head on." He pointed to where your friends were standing and used his other hand to motion you to stand up.

In that moment, your eyes sparkled. "You're right." You slammed your hands on the ground and lifted yourself up. Grinning happily.

"Your a dependable person Astral, I'm glad your here to help me too." He let out a small chuckle, of course (y/n), we're friends too aren't we?"

"Heh, we sure are."

*Vector's POV*

"Ahahaha! That was hilarious!" Vector laughed loudly. "The look on their faces was priceless!" He cackled. As soon as Dumon and Merin vanished, he couldn't stop joking about it.

"They looked so desperate, so depressed!" It was completely amusing to him. He eventually toned down the laughs when he sensed Alito's and Girag's energy.

"What's this? Those two fools are dueling each other?" He scoffed. One of them must've turned against Don Thousand. Well, not that it mattered anyway.

"Ha, this just makes it easier on me." The duel seemed that it had been going on for a while now, so one of them was sure to lose. And when they lose, their energy would be free to take. He was also able to sense four others too. He concluded that it was Yuma and his friends.

Intertwined (Vector x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt