10. Forgetting

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Time passed by and the sun slowly moved across the sky as you sat next to Vector. It was surprising really, you spent so much of your time trying to get away from him but in the end you found yourself leaning right next to him. You finally acknowledged his feelings and came to accept your own. But the fact that he was technically your enemy still lingered in your mind.

'As much as I care for him, there's no way I can just leave Yuma,' You spared the Barian emperor a side glance. 'And even if I do love him, what he did to me and my friends is still inexcusable. I can't let him go through with his plan. I have to help Yuma and Astral no matter what!'

You slightly nodded, reaffirming your thoughts. 'Then again....' You hesitated, 'What would happen to him if Yuma and Astral win?' You peeked at Vector again, he still had his eyes closed. 'Would he be okay?'

The thought of him possibly getting hurt or disappearing made you feel sad.

'No. I still think that there's a good side to him, and with Yuma's help, maybe I can set it free.'

As you were thinking about what to do, Vector looked to be completely content and seemed to be enjoying himself. Minus the fatal wound and exhaustion of course. He refused to go to any human world hospitals because he said they would be completely useless with their aid. He even declined your help and said it would eventually heal on its own. You weren't convinced but let him do what he pleased anyways.

*Vector's POV*

A sigh escaped Vector's lips. 'Well, it took a while but it looks like I've finally accomplished one part of my plan,' He smirked and leaned closer to you.

'But now I have to get rid of those other annoying pests,' He grumbled to himself. This time it wasn't just Yuma and Astral. After what happened earlier, Don Thousand would certainly be a problem too.

'And by the looks of it, Nasch and Merin could be brought back sooner than I thought thanks to Dumon's interference,' His annoyance grew even more.

'Oh well, it's nothing I can't handle.' He snickered to himself. His energy had  slowly come back and healed his wound as he rested with you. That battle really took it out of him and even though he beat Don Thousand that time, he would surely be back thanks to that deal he made with him. But that was an issue for another time, for now, he had to push forward.

He finally lifted his head from your shoulder. "I think it's about time we get going. My power seems to be back completely."

With his newfound energy, he eagerly jumped onto his feet and glanced at you. It was only then that he saw you were spaced out and looking in the distance.

*Normal POV*

You felt a light flick on your forehead that finally brought you out of your thoughts.

"Huh? What?"

"Drifting off again (y/n)? We have a lot of things to do so you can't get tired on me now~"

You shook you head and stood upright.

"You're one to talk!" You huffed in annoyance. "You were the one wasting time resting on me, you know." He chuckled and kissed your cheek.

"I just love being with you."

His smile still didn't seem quite right. That crazy side was still there, he was just hiding it from you.

"But like I said, I think it's time we leave this place." He opened another portal and shifted to his Barian form. But before he could grab you, you took a step back.

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