14. Death (Part 1)

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Death...... why was it still on your mind?


"Yeah Yuma?"

"Is everything okay? Tori told me you went after Vector while I was out."

You slightly tensed up."I'm fine. But right now you should be worrying about Don Thousand and the emperors."

"I haven't forgotten." He looked at you a little longer and then brought his attention back to the head of the ship.

You also turned away and walked to your seat. The fact that all your friends stayed behind really upset you. Not because they didn't want to come along, but because they used themselves as bait to lure the Barians away from Yuma. And it was pretty obvious who would turn out to be the winner.

"They knew what would happen. Yet they did it anyways." You half smiled but felt sad. "Such idiots, such strong and brave idiots." The entire ride was pretty silent, not even Astral said much.

"(Y/n), we're here." Tori called. Even she seemed to be quieter than usual.

The four of you teleported down to the surface. Everywhere was bare and empty. Well, at least for those few moments.

"Now that we're here, let's find Vector and Don Thousand!" Yuma stepped forward with the two of you close behind, but a booming voice echoed through the vast emptiness.

"You aren't going anywhere."

"Huh? That sounded like."

"Alito..." Tori finished.

"But how did he?" You were interrupted when a figure came to view. It was dark and a swirling aura was around it.


"Long time no see Yuma." The aura toned down to reveal him in his Barian form. "So how about we have our little rematch?"


"Yuma." Astral spoke up. "This is not the same person we have faced before. A greater darkness is possessing him."

"Possessing him?" Yuma took another look. Sure enough, Alito had a much more aggressive expression. His eyes were dull and lifeless. You and Tori also caught on. You snapped you head up.

"Wait, that voice." It was there again. A deep, low voice coming from Alito. The same voice you had heard when you confronted Vector. But who did it belong to?

"Let's get this duel started!" Alito wasted no time preparing his duel disk and deck.

"You asked for it!" Yuma did the same thing in return.

"Hehe, I almost forgot to mention."

"Mention what?"

"The stakes of this duel!" He cackled. The floor beneath you and Tori suddenly lifted upwards. The two of you trapped in the center.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Yuma yelled.

"Isn't it obvious? We're dueling with their life at stake!" Both Yuma and Astral were taken aback by that. With you, Tori was freaking out and grabbing onto you. You were also startled, but not completely surprised by the action.

"Grr that damn bastard. Now we'll have to stay up here until the duel finishes."

"How are you so calm!?" Tori half yelled.

"Why are you so scared? I'm certain Yuma will win." You were being honest. With all the stuff from the past, Yuma was sure to win again so there was nothing to worry about. Tori, on the other hand, was still panicking and refused to let you go. In the end you patted her head and assured her everything was going to be fine.

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