9. Promises

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*Vector's POV*

You looked so beautiful when you were unconscious Vector thought as he held your now limp body.

"I won't let anyone else interfere with us, from now on it'll only be you and me." He cackled and stepped into the portal he created. But before he could move any further, a powerful force pushed him back.

"Agh! What the-? Who's there!?" He wasn't in the mood to be stopped by someone or something. He just got you back after all.

"Reveal yourself!" His eyes darted all around him, looking for the thing that dared stop him. A large gust then passed him and a large shadow started to rise from below. There, it took a familiar shape, and one large red eye opened.

Vector leaned back and stared in confusion until he abruptly realized who the shadow was. "Great, it just had to be you."

"Vector, what did I say about sticking to our goal?" Don Thousand bellowed from above him.

"Look, I know what I'm doing so leave me alone." He didn't even try to hide the annoyance in his voice.

The red eye suddenly flared brightly and constricted into a glare. "That mortal, she is the reason why you haven't been collecting the numbers." The animosity in his voice was apparent and completely directed towards you. Vector took notice instantly and held you protectively against his chest.

"Of course not, I will gather the numbers and destroy Astral World," He spared another glance at you. "With her, that is."

The tense atmosphere seemed to increase significantly after that.

"Unacceptable! She is keeping you from your mission and distracting you entirely!" Don Thousand's arm suddenly rose, glowing a menacing purple. "She must be eliminated!"

He launched a powerful energy blast right towards you but Vector managed to quickly dodge to the left. He landed hard but still clutched you tightly. His anger flared at that moment and he carefully set you down behind him. Once he did, he immediately spun back around to confront Don Thousand.

"What the hell do you think your doing!? Hurting (y/n) is forbidden!" He snarled.

"You'd be better without her you fool!" He sent another attack right at you.

"You know nothing about us!" Vector suddenly transformed into his Barian form and countered the attack with a blast of his own.

"I know plenty now stop fighting back! I'm doing what needs to be done!"

Vector grunted and looked directly at Don Thousand as his body was engulfed in a bright aura.

"Quiet you slave!" The aura grew stronger. "You have no authority to make decisions like that! I'm the one who freed you! And I'm the one who controls you!"

Don Thousand only laughed at this. "You stand no chance against me Vector. Try as you might, you will always lose." Vector responded with his own menacing laugh.

"Well then why don't we see for ourselves?"

"All of this to protect a human girl? You've sunk to a new low."

"She is no ordinary mortal, she is mine!" He charged right at Don Thousand with all his strength.

"Hah! Then die here you foolish Barian!"



*Your POV*

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