3. Trapped

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As soon as those words left his mouth you forcefully shoved his face away from yours and squirmed out of his grasp. Once you did you quickly stepped back, face still flushed red. You stared at him with wide eyes and so many things ran through your mind.

'Love? He loves me???' If it had been Ray who said those words then you would literally be the happiest person in the world right now. But it wasn't, instead, you were hearing these words from an insane-sounding Barian that had done nothing but hurt you and your friends. And now that proclamation of love sounded nothing more than a ridiculous lie to get you to let your guard down.

Your gaze never left his figure, and neither did his. In fact, it looked like he expected you to do something like that, and that horrendous smirk still played on his lips. But instead of cornering you again, he simply changed back into his Barian form and kept his distance. You furrowed your brows.

'What is he planning?'

You took a couple more steps back until you just began sprinting away from him to look for an exit. But wherever you ran, wherever you turned to, you found nothing. There was just rubble all around. You cursed under your breath.

"I told you you can't escape." Sang the Barian's voice.

You ignored him and pushed forward. Even if you were trapped, you weren't going to give up hope and fall into his hands. But wherever you searched, he looked to be up above just watching you like a hawk. It was honestly terrifying.

The more you explored, the more desperate you became. At some point you had to stop and rest due to the sheer exhaustion from running around everywhere. You tried to catch your breath and really think about your situation.

"He really wasn't lying, there's nowhere I can go," You brought a hand up and raked it through your hair. "He wouldn't actually keep me here forever, would he? I mean I--I have a life of my own. I can't just leave that behind." You looked at the floor. 'What do I do? How am I going to get out of this mess?'

As you kept muttering to yourself, two strong arms wrapped around your torso and you immediately froze. "Are you done running around, my princess?" He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. "This is your new home now, so just accept it."

You grit your teeth. "This is not my home. And it never will be."

He seemed to whine at your answer. "Why so cold (y/n)? Don't you love me?"

Your breath hitched. "Don't make me laugh. As if I'd ever love you."

Vector simply laughed and held you closer. "Let me guess, you only love Ray, am I right?"

You stayed quiet, still refusing to look at him. He kept chuckling and played with a strand of your hair. "You don't have to say anything (y/n) because I already know the answer to that," He hummed contentedly. "If only you'd finally realize that he never existed."

You instinctively tensed up. "I hate you."

He looked amused again. "Of course you do~"

He didn't move from his spot and neither did you. Although you said you hated him, Vector knew it wasn't true, and a small part of you also had a hard time believing it. It was all because of your time together in Heartland. It was all because you grew close to Ray. You felt like such an idiot. Ray was gone, and only this monster beside you remained. You should hate him, but these damn feelings just wouldn't fade. It made you feel guilty and sick.

As the feeling of despair finally hit you, the Barian continued to hold you close and nuzzle your neck. It was ridiculous really. He was a maniacal being who craved nothing but destruction and yet here he was holding you like some precious object and claiming that his feelings of love were true. It honestly felt like a slap to the face. But even so you didn't fight against him. You simply sighed and looked up at the darkened sky.

'You aren't the sweet boy I fell in love with, but...' The fact that he admitted his supppsed feelings of love made you believe there was still a part of him that held his humanity. Sure he had a twisted way of expressing his 'love', but it still meant something.

'If he can find it in his heart to care for me, then maybe Ray wasn't a complete lie.'

Yes, Ray wasn't just a facade to throw you and your friends off. If he and Vector really were the same person, then maybe you still had a chance to change Vector's way of thinking. With newfound determination, you tried to come up with a plan that would hopefully steer the Barian down a new path. But before that, you had to escape his clutches first.


"Hmm?" He curiously looked up at you.

"Let's...go back to the human world." You knew you were taking a big risk, but you were confident that your plan to escape would work.

He stared at you a bit longer, then chuckled.

"Who do you take me for (y/n)-chan? Do you really think I'll let you go back so you can run away from me?" He gripped your chin and pulled you towards him.

You looked into his eyes with an unwavering resolve. "I won't run."

"Oh?" He tilted his head. "And you expect me to believe that?"

"I swear on my life that I won't." You reached your hand over to grab his. "You can trust me."

He looked skeptical but decided to play along with your little game.  "Alright then my princess, we'll go back for a bit." He purred.

You resisted the urge to let out a relieved sigh. At this rate maybe your plan really would succeed. You smiled gently at him and escaped his hold once more. You stepped back and patiently waited for him to fulfill your request and open a portal. But when he didn't, you began to feel tense.

"Well? What's the hold up?"

Vector just held his head low, like he was thinking about something. You continued to watch him until you saw his shoulders begin to shake a little.

'Is he laughing?'

As if to confirm your suspicions, you heard him quietly cackling to himself. The atmosphere suddenly became stale again and you couldn't help but step back. Once you did, you swore he lost it. He threw his head back and laughed like a maniac. You became rigid at the sight.

"W-What's wrong with you?" The sight of his hysteria kept tearing at you, taunting you. This monster couldn't be Ray. "You aren't the person I fell in love with!" You quickly bit you tounge. 'Oh no I--I shouldn't have said that out loud.'

Vector immediately snatched your wrist and you winced from how tight his grip was. His eyes were crazed and he brought you close to him.

"Oh but I am (y/n)-chan. And I just can't take any chances with you possibly leaving me. No, not again. I just can't have that."

He suddenly brought his hand over your chest and a bright light engulfed his fingers. And before you could ask what he was doing, a surge of pain hit you and you cried out in agony. It literally felt like you were getting burned.

After a few seconds, Vector pulled his hand back and you fell onto your knees clutching your chest in pain. The crazed look in the Barian's eyes was gone and a victorious glint replaced it instead.

"Don't worry (y/n)-chan, the pain will fade away soon enough." He easily lifted you in his arms while you were still wheezing and clawing at your chest.

"W-What d-did you do to me?" You gasped out.

"Oh, nothing too serious my sweet. Just a little something to help me keep track of you. Now, shall we get going?"

You couldn't even answer him, the lingering pain in your chest seemed to drain your energy. All you could do was look up at him helplessly as he created a portal to Heartland.

'Why is he doing this?' You closed your eyes tightly. 'Please, please just go back to the way you were before.' An image of the happy orange haired boy you first met in school entered your mind. 'Ray...'

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