Chapter 47

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Baekhyun's POV

"No, you can't do that."

She really loves him, much more than she once loved me. "But I can't bear seeing you like this. He hurts you"

She looks at me straight into the eyes and what she said after this got my heart broke into pieces.

"You did the same."

And silence take over.


Hana's POV

"Hana, I've heard what happened today. Are you okay? Wait what a dumb question." I smiled weakly. After what happened I already made up my mind.

"Hear me out oppa, I already think about it. I want you to help me search for a ticket to California by the day after tomorrow. I --"


"I have to, I can't bear stay here anymore, not with Taehyung around."
I look down, still holding back my tears. I don't want to cry, again. At least not now.

"Please, oppa. Help me." He sighed and stay quiet.

"What else?" I smile before hug him. "Thank you oppa." He hugs me back. "You know that I love you right. Take care when you are there. Call me everyday. So what now?"

"I'll go to my parents'0 house and tell them that I'll study at California and now can you please send me to Eunji's house? I want to spend my remaining days with her."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Concerned painted on his face. I smiled weakly.

"I have never been this sure." He nodded, finally realized that I'm not going to change my mind. He got up
and walked to his car. I quietly follow him behind.


"Where have you been?" What a great way to greet someone.

"Well hello to you too." I replied sarcastically as I plopped down on the couch.

"No need to be all sarcasm on me, Kim Hana." I flinched a little but quickly recollect myself.

"Relax, Eunji. I'm with your boyfriend all day." I half-lied to her. Her jaw-dropped. "He is not my boyfriend."

"Sure sure." I take the remote and lazily turn the channel. When I can't find any fun thing to watch I shut off the tv and walk to the kitchen completely ignore her.

"Are you okay, Hana?" she follows me to the kitchen.

"Nothing, I can't handle."


I'm going to meet my parents today before officially leaving for good. I'm have to do a lot of lies but I couldn't care less.

"Mom, I'm home." It's been a while since the last time I've been here. It feels so good. I'm going to miss this later.

"Oh honey." Well, mom and her bone-crushing hugs. Believe me, it's nothing near good. But I let her anyway, God knows when will I feel this again.

"Where is dad?" I follow her to the kitchen. As I follow her, a delicious  smell stuck into my nostril. Damn, I miss her cooking.

"In his office, go and call him. We are having lunch like five minutes later." I walk upstairs straight to his office. I knock before going in.

"Hey dad. I missed you so much." I greet and kiss his cheek. "Once my baby, always my baby." he chuckled.

"Mom said lunch is ready." He got up and walk beside me. I cling into him and walk downstairs.

"Smells good." I said before taking my seat. Aww, I missed this seat so much.

"Thanks for the meal." I said before digging in. I heard they chuckled before digging in.


We are seating in the living room. "So what makes you came here, not to mention you skipped school too." Dad eyed me straight into the eyes.

I fake a cough and sit properly. "I just missed you all." I said happily. "I'm not that dumb, baby."

"Okay, I'm going to study at California." I got no response at all. It is not comfortable, believe me. "Why?" Oh dad, stop being all serious. I'm scared, fuck.

"Just because, it's boring here." I shrugged.

"Hana, you are our daughter and we know when you are lying or not. Just spill the beans. Is it about Taehyung?" My mom spoke up.

Well, here comes trouble. I guess it's my cue to be honest.

I nodded. "Things just not going on our way, and I might want to take a break from all of this. So I decided that I'll continue my study there."

My mom and dad exchanged glances. "Hana, it is my fault. If I didn't force you into this marriage, nothing like this will happen. But you know running away, will do nothing good, right?" My dad spoke, never leave my eyes.

"No no, it's not anyone's fault. I know dad, but I just need to take a break from all of this. Is it okay for you guys?"

They walk to me and hug me tightly. "If it will make you happy, I guess it's okay then." A tear slip down my cheek.

I make sure that I come back before school ends. I even went to our house; damn, it sounds so wrong to pack my clothes and stuffs. I brought them to Eunji's house and hide them very well. I feel guilty for not telling Eunji about my leaving but I think it's for good.

JHope told me that my flight will be early in the morning at eight and he will pick me up from Eunji's house. I guess it's okay, since the time I'll go to the airport Eunji is still sleeping as I need to check in and stuffs. I'm sorry to JHope because of me he had to ditched school.


-At the airport-

"Oppa, can you not tell anyone about me. Just pretend that you don't know anything. I promise I'll keep in touch with you. Just please, don't, not even Eunji. It's just you and my parent knew about my leaving."

He hugs me tightly and kissed my forehead. "I think it will be hard since Taehyung is my friend.." I frown and pout. ".. but I'll try my best."

"Thank you oppa, really thank you so much. I'll be in your debt forever since I don't know how to pay for all of this."

He chuckled. "Just stay healthy and keep in touch with me will be fine."

"Sure, I'll go first. Till we meet again. Take care of Taehyung for me. Thank you again." I cried as I said this.

"I'm sure will, don't worry." he hugs for the last time.


Well, cat got my tongue.


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