Chapter 40

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Hana's POV

Aish. Chemistry class is so boring as always. Unfortunately, we still have about 40 minutes left. But this is my last class today and I free. Dear time, be nice to me please. I look around and what a joke, most of my classmates did not pay attention to Mr. Lee and talking instead.

Em what to do now?

I thought of an idea and fished out my phone and start compose a message to Kyungsoo.

Oppa, do you have any plan after school?

To : Kyungsoo

While waiting for his reply, I try to listen to anything the teacher said. I'll repeat. I try to. But you can't blame me right? I maybe 'innocent' but I'm not a nerd for crying out loud.

I took out my phone again when I felt it buzzed.

I don't know maybe no but hey shouldn't you in class now?

From : Kyungsoo

I rolled my eyes and get my fingers work up.

I took it as a no. Hey old man, relax. I have one more year in this school so do you. So calm down -_-. And let's meet up after school.
To : Kyungsoo


Hang on there. You just did called me old man? I'm not going to let you go so easily, just wait you kiddo. And yes I'll wait you in my car later. Don't be late.

From : Kyungsoo

I faintly laugh and start to type again not until I feel someone staring so I look up. Dmn. Not really someone but everyone. Yeah everyone. My classmates are staring and not to mention my lovely teacher is looking or should I say glaring at me.

"Miss Choi, do you need something?" I quickly shook my head. "I'm sorry, Mr. Lee but can I go to comfort room?"

He nodded "Yes, you can."

"Thank you." I stand up and make my way to the door. I can notice some pair of eyes on me. No doubt. Stop staring you morons.

Finally after the whole year, I succeed. Why everyone is staring like I just killed someone? And someone please tell what did I do at first place?

People and their weirdness.

I shook my head tried to clear my mind and walk to comfort room. I let the cold water took over my face and I already fresh up. But wait I really wonder what did I do until everyone stared at me back then. I close my eyes and start thinking.

I shot my eyes open. Did the teacher saw me played with phone? Dmn. Since when they were staring? It's so embarrassing. Gosh. But scratch that, I'm lucky enough Mr. Lee didn't ask me for the detention.

I wash my face again. Suddenly I heard someone clapping. "What a surprise we have here." She said. Well of course it 'she'. I'm inside woman's comfort room for god sake.

"What do you want?" I ask her. "Hm... What do I want?" she walks to me and stupid me take a stepback. "Oh.. Did I scared you." I fake a smile. "Scared? Who are you talking about? Come on Hyorin spill out."

She take some steps closer and stop right beside my ear. "Stay away from my boyfriend." I smirk. "Which boyfriend are you talking about? Lee Sungyeong? Choi Byungsik? or Kim S--"

"Don't play dumb with me, Choi Hana" she slightly push me. I put a confused look at first and smile after some seconds. "Ah.. are you talking about my husband? Well last time I checked you two already broke up."

"Shut up. Just stay away from him or you will regret. I already warned you Choi Hana." She turn around and walk out.

I leaned on the cold tile-wall behind me. I close my eyes and sigh. What a day.


I already late. I made a run to Kyungsoo's car. Once I reached his car I saw he already there. Of course he already there, I'm the one who's late. I open passenger's door and get in.

"Choi Hana." he called. I gulp. "Y..yeah?" he looks at his watch. "You are 10 minutes late." I grin nervously. "Sorry but it's not my fault. Mr. Lee didn't let us out. You should go mad at him not me." I pout and make a sad face.

Suddenly he bursts into laugh. I wonder what so funny. "You should look at your face hahaha." I hit his arm and crossed my hand over my chest. "I hate you."

"Eyy you and I both know that you don't."


Hey there! My exam was over and thank you for those who wished me good luck. I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry for making you wait.


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